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How to Make Trumpet Tea Right
by BA$E
Citation:   BA$E. "How to Make Trumpet Tea Right: An Experience with Brugmansia (exp2496)". Oct 4, 2000.

350 ml oral Brugmansia (tea)
I live in germany and know very much about brugmansia and other species of this flower. Its a very nice drug like lsd or harder hallucinating substances. You can eat the flowers or (better) make a tea.

To make a normal tea you need 2 big flowers and 1 liter water. Kick the flowers into the water and boil it 100 celsius 3-5 minutes. Press the flowers out like a citrous. Its not importent to press it out but its better. Take some suger into the cup you drank because it comes on faster. Dont drink more than 350ml; its not good. If you think you are a hard man and take 3 flowers/L or more or you drink too much I'll tell you a nice story from the 4T-man.

It was a little skater 45/kg. He take 3 flowers of 0.5L and drank it. After a 1/4h the tea was coming on (normal 2-3h) he was so fucking high and sprang from a 3.5m high bridge into a 0.2m deep water. After 2 friends take him of the water he fought with everyone.

A week later after this little crash I talked with my 13 year old friend about his little experience.

He said he was 3 days not on this planet. He saw the hyperrealst halos. 3 days after I talked with him I opened the news paper it was a fucking monday I dont can forgot this fucking day because I read T.K. die suicide. I called his sister because I thougt it was not right. She whispered to me he wrote a letter it lie on his bed it said: I DONT WONT LIVE NO LONGER IN THIS UNREALITY LIFE.

So please dont forget 2 flowers 1 litre water. Drink not more than 350ml and wait 3 h for the booming optics and the hard halos. On a hard trip I saw elves and unreal people!!!

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2496
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 4, 2000Views: 62,896
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Brugmansia (84) : Unknown Context (20), Post Trip Problems (8), Preparation / Recipes (30), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7)

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