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Up All Nite (And Then Some!)
Citation:   crystal. "Up All Nite (And Then Some!): An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp24996)". Aug 9, 2018.

  repeated insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
    vaporized Methamphetamine  
A couple of friends from out of state showed up one friday with some ice. After quite a bit of persuasion, my bf and I decided to try it out. My main concern was that it would speed up my heart beat and I really don't like things that mess with my pulse. They assured me that it wasn't like speed or coke. And I wasn't disappointed.

I am not really sure about the dose, as they did everything for me (except smoke it!) I think it only took 1 or 2 crystals in the shalay (3 hits) to get me off. It was pretty much, instantaneous. Maybe 2 or 3 mins before I started to feel good. This was around 3-5pm. By feeling good, I mean I felt almost euphoric. I was really up, and happy. I felt energetic, but not sped up. My heart rate remained calm and even and I was not nervous or fidgety at all.

I did get the sudden urge to go outside and jump on my neighbors trampoline. (I hope he didn't mind, cause I didn't ask!) The plan was to go to a dance club and a strip club that nite (as I had never been to a strip club before) and well, dancing is a great way to spend some of the energy I had. We drove to a big city (because where we live is a southern baptist bible belt, dry ass (no bars), small minded town). Not that I don't like it here, you just have to drive a long way to have fun.

We smoked about a quarter bag of ice between the four of us and crushed and snorted a line a piece, and did one hot rail a piece before leaving the house that night at 9pm. So about four hours of time with about a quarter and a half of ice between four people.

I never felt any different than when I first hit it earlier that day, but I still continued to take the hits offered to me by my friends.
Upon reaching our first destination (motel room) we got ready to go out and did some more ice. It was probably around 11pm when we got there. We probably did about another quarter between the four of us again. We never made it to the dance club, as it was already 2 am before we actually left the room, and no one else wanted to go dancing but me. But we did go to the strip club which was open until 6am! And I did get my first lap dance from this really hot chick!!!!My bf paid and then enjoyed the show!!! That was a grrrreat time!

We left the club at 5:30am and went back to the room. We ended up doing more ice, off and on, until around 12 noon. So total was between 2 and 3 quarter bags, between 4 people, in 8 hours. I had no fatigue at all was still feeling pretty good. A little restless, but I think that was due to the fact that I am normally an up person and constantly moving anyway. We started heading home around 2pm Saturday and I started coming down pretty hard.

One of the reasons I wanted to share my experience with you was because of what I learned from this drug. For a first time user don't over do it. I didn't realize that. Just one dose would've been enough to keep me going all night and I may not have crashed as hard as I did. I already suffer from manic depression. I am not currently being treated though because I can't afford the meds or the doctors (thanks hmo's). Therefore when I came down, I came down hard. I couldn't eat for four days and even then I had to make myself eat just a couple of bites here and there. I had outbursts of crying, and anger, and stress, and worry, and anxiety (you get the picture). It was the worst case of manic depression I have ever suffered through. I didn't sleep much for the first three days. About 5 or 6 hours total, and I couldn't function at all. And I couldn't stop talking for 5 minutes at a time for about three days. So basically what I want to say to you is please be careful! If you suffer from depression like I do, take it slow and make sure you have someone you can talk to when your coming down.

I look forward to tweaking again sometime in the future, although it will be a small dose and only when I know that I will be doing something fun with lots of people and not working the next day.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 24996
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 9, 2018Views: 2,187
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Methamphetamine (37) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Hangover / Days After (46), Depression (15), First Times (2)

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