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My Computer Was Trying to Attack Me
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
Citation:   Austin. "My Computer Was Trying to Attack Me: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp25174)". Feb 7, 2023.

Several hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
One day a friend of mine sent me a message to go look on this website and read up about this legal drug called Salvia divinorum. I read the FAQ's and some more Information on the drug. Talking about universal experiences and all kinds of crazy stuff. Being a frequent Marijuana smoker I figured it would not hurt to test out a drug like this. Actually I was really anxious to try this 100% legal drug.

It was not till a few months later I found a local store that sold Salvia divinorum. I drove down to the store to go pickup some Salvia divinorum. The guy that worked at this head shop talked me into trying the 10x Salvia divinorum. After I ask the guy 'How should I smoke this? in like my 1 hitter or something?'. He said: 'Yeah, smoke it out of a 1 hitter'. So I paid for my gram of Salvia divinorum 10X and started to head back home.

I was hoping my roommate would be home so that we could both try it. Turns out he was gone and I figured I would just save some for him when he got back. I first packed some Salvia in my 1 hitter and then smoked it. I waited 5 minutes. Nothing happened. So I smoked another, yet again nothing happened. At this point I was just plain mad. I decided to go do some more research on better ways to smoke Salvia. I later read on a website that smoking Salvia out of a bong is the best way. So a bong it was! I packed a good sized bowl, grabbed my torch lighter and went to town.

Before I started smoking I was watching 'Tommy Boy' on my computer. After I sat my bong down I only remember watching a small part of the movie and then I think I became unconscious for a while (I have no idea how long). This is where it starts to get weird! Next thing I know I am standing outside by a truck while Chris Farley was talking to me as he described his college experiences. Then I drifted outside of my computer monitor only to find myself talking to the movie. I somehow realized this and tried to figure out what was going on. Then the movie drifted off my computer screen down my mouse cord and then starting to move along side my arm. I thought my computer was trying to attack me and suck me in. I started to freak out trying to pull my arm away, it was useless I had no control over what was going on, actually I had no control over my mind my thoughts or actions.
I thought my computer was trying to attack me and suck me in. I started to freak out trying to pull my arm away, it was useless I had no control over what was going on, actually I had no control over my mind my thoughts or actions.
I remember frantically trying to click the stop button in the media player hoping the movie / computer would stop trying to attack me.

I remember trying to get away yelling 'NO NO NO!!!'. I started to gain control a little bit. At this time I was grabbing hold of a black coat thinking it was the black part of the movie screen. At this point I was still on the trip but I think I had like a minute left and was starting to gain control again. The movie then started to move towards me again. I then bolted for my bedroom door hoping to escape this attack. As I started to go down the hallway I started to come back to reality. I found myself standing in my kitchen grabbing my head and being so confused at the same time.

I walked back to my room thinking to myself 'What the hell just happened?' I was still scared and at the time I said to myself I would never do it again! Then I started to think what made the experience so bad. I did not have some one to trip sit me. I was not relaxed and prepared. I kinda rushed on trying Salvia. I was sitting at my computer when I did it and there were so many things going on at once. I am sure there were a number of things that I did wrong. I plan to try it again.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25174
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 7, 2023Views: 241
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Bad Trips (6), First Times (2)

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