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For Insomnia and Mild Muscle Pain
Citation:   princess vegeta. "For Insomnia and Mild Muscle Pain: An Experience with Valerian (exp25223)". Jul 13, 2003.

3 capsls oral Valerian (capsule)
I started taking Valerian root about 3 months ago for insomnia. I don't like the idea of taking OTC sleep pills all the time for obvious reasons. I have always had problems falling and staying asleep, along with lots of anxiety, and some ADD type problems. Since I started taking the Valerian root I have not only been able to fall asleep, I have been able to go back to sleep if for some reason I wake up. I have also noticed an better feeling overall,more energy, and less anxiety. I have also taken valerian for mild muscle pain.

I have not noticed any withdrawl effects from Valerian root. I would definately recomend others to try it out for its medicinal effects.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25223
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 13, 2003Views: 19,946
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Valerian (48) : Not Applicable (38), Health Benefits (32)

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