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Light, Calm, and Happy
Citation:   Robert H. "Light, Calm, and Happy: An Experience with Catnip (exp25846)". Aug 5, 2003.

3 joints/cigs smoked Catnip (plant material)
I was looking for a cheap alternative to weed, being that my monetary funds had been drained into car repairs. The idea actually came to me by watching my cats after a dose of the nip. I figured - hey man- its worth a shot. So I rolled about half a cubic inch into a zig zag and smoked it with a pair of tweezers - I wanted a heavier concentration quicker, cause I figured catnip wasn't gonna be too strong. Well, I was partially right. In terms of the high effect, catnip is like nil. After 2 more such joints, I had a very light, pleasant, and minty wisp in my throat. I was also calm and happy. Its good stuff for what it costs.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25846
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 5, 2003Views: 11,807
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Catnip (68) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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