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White River
Citation:   Sundance. "White River: An Experience with DMT (exp26157)". Aug 17, 2003.

  smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
We had backpacked into a Rocky Mountain Wilderness area for a week of camping and fishing along the White River© I had brought along some dmt that we had extracted using the Quantum Tantra Technique© We tried some each night and here is how we did it and what we saw©

After it had gotten dark we put small amounts of the waxy substance into a glass pipe that was hooked to a water pipe© When the pipe started smoking we bubbled the smoke through the water and took in what we could© We tried to take in three big hits each time, but the smoke was at times very harsh, even with the use of the water pipe© Without the water pipe to cool the smoke I don’t know if we would have been able to take in enough to break through to a visionary state©

Even in small amounts the patterned light that one sees can be incredible© It is sometimes called the Chrysanthemum pattern or the wall of eyes© If you take enough dmt you can break through the patterned light and go into a visionary state that can be so shocking that it will take your breath away©

The first night I started out by staring at a picture of the Egyptian goddess Nuit that we had brought along to see if it would impact the visions© I took in three hits from the water pipe and sat back©
The patterned light started immediately, but I could tell that I had not taken in enough to have a strong vision©

The patterned light flowed around and through me for about a minute and then to my enjoyment morphed into a vision of Isis in green and black facing me with her arms out stretched© From her hands complex patterned light flowed at me and through me, her face was stern, but I felt no fear, only awe at the beauty of the vision© The light flowed from her fingers for about a minute and then the vision faded away and I was back to seeing only the flowing patterned light© What seemed different about this vision was the green colors that are usually missing from my visions© Afterwards I felt elated and energized by the experience©

The second night I started off by staring at a picture of a Huichol peyote yarn painting that we had brought along© I took three good hits off the water pipe and sat back©

The flowing patterned light started almost immediately and I started to “hear” singing© The small stove we used to heat the pipe made a slight whistling noise that start to incorporate itself into the vision© Along the edges of the vision appeared small animated children who were holding hands and singing a song© They looked like the children of the earth and they seemed happy to see me© The vision then snapped into a flash back of a mushroom vision I had had years ago when the theme had become dominated by Mexican motifs and icons© The symbols and the desert vista flowed over me for about two minutes until I fell out of the vision and back to flowing patterned light©

The second night I did a second try by staring at a picture of the ancient Egyptian calendar© I took in three hits from the water pipe and sat back with my eyes close©

The flowing waves of patterned light started as soon as I got settled into a seated position© The colors were mostly reds and blacks with some orange at the sides© The patterned light was three dimensional and flowed smoothly over and through me© It was a beautiful and peaceful feeling as the waves of jeweled light started to increase in complexity and sharpness©

After about a minute there was a light shining down from the top of the flowing patterned light© I thought at first that sun light from the environment was interfering with the vision but then I remembered that it was at night© I “looked up” at the light in my vision and saw it was the sun shining through a stone carved window© I was now in some kind of stone walled room with the patterned light flowing around the room© As I continued to look up at the sun I stated to float up through the stone carved window and into a room where Nuit stood with her arm up raised toward the sun© She had an orb on her head that had horns that were curved upward© It seemed that I was being “raised up” in some kind of initiation to a different level© The vision started to fade and I soon fell back into a state where I saw only flowing patterned light with less and less complexity© I came out of the vision feeling good and after only a few minutes I felt I was back to my normal state of mind©

I tried another experiment where I took in three hits of smoke and sat back with Buddhist music playing in the back round© The effects of the smoke were less than normal but I was getting good flowing psychedelic patterned light and after a few moments the flowing patterns started to flowing in rhythm to the music© It was incredibly beautiful experience to watch and hear the two combine into something that was almost alive© The music at times seemed to be able to make the patterns shimmer and tingle© Most times the visions seemed abstract and geometric in design, but with this music it almost seemed to have a life of its own©

Next time I try another set of experiments I want to try this again as the Buddhist and Hindu music added a interesting dimension to the experience©

Sundance was ready to try another adventure so I loaded up the pipe as he stared at a print out of the Hebrew letter Aleph© We had decided to try the next experiment with the smoker laying down after taking the smoke and staring up at the stars© It seemed like a good plan© Sundance took in three massive hits of the smoke and laid back onto the ground©

I sat back and watched over the trip when from the south a small dark cloud started forming over us© This seemed strange as the weather was relatively calm that day©

The cloud then became darker and started to float down towards us© I had never seem anything like this and I hoped Sundance’s trip was going ok© Sundance then started to come around and rolled over onto his side© I said to him to look at what the cloud was doing, and as we looked up the cloud broke up into the shape of the letter Aleph© It was one of the weirdest things I have ever seen©

After a few minutes the cloud melted away and Sundance was back to a normal state of mind© We looked at each other and immediately decided not to try any more experiments using Hebrew letters©

The last night I stared at a picture of Tara and took in three big hits of smoke©

There was music playing and I had concentrated at the Tara print, but neither had any impact on what happened next©

The effects were almost immediate as I sat back on the ground with my eyes closed© The flowing patterned light started and this time the patterns were much more solid with more complexity and intricate designs like an Indian tapestry©

The rushing walls of designs and patterns flowed through me and they had much more intensity than previously, I gripped my knees as I sat on the ground trying to stabilize the cascading intensity of the vision© Sundance said the experience lasted about 6 to 7 minutes and during that time I was immersed in a world of light and color with three dimensional designs that were the best I had ever seen©

What was interesting was that I had seemed to break through to the visionary place, but only colored lights in amazing complexity occurred© The visions had not come to me© Was it because I had not stared at the picture long enough, or was it a different dmt “place” I had gotten too? This was by far the most intense experiment that I had done and it was like riding a roller coaster through a fractal© As the trip was winding down I tried to concentrate on the designs as they flowed by and through me to check out the complexities© As one of the more interesting designs flowed by I focused on a circular design that morphed as I focused on it into an eye with a grinning mouth below it© The smile seemed more maniacal than friendly, but was never less an amazing sight©

As I came around Sundance suggested that I look at some of the flowers that were around our camp, so I tried to get up but was still woozy for a few more minutes so I had to sit back down© After about 15 minutes I was able to move around with no problem and I checked out the flowers which looked incredible in the star light©

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26157
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 17, 2003Views: 11,959
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