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Human Test Subject
Citation:   Rolliepollie. "Human Test Subject: An Experience with 5-Methyl-MDA (exp26221)". Aug 20, 2003.

15 mg oral 5-Methyl-MDA (powder / crystals)
I'll just tell you now that I 'obtained' an amount of 5-Methyl-MDA and have ingested it last night, and will now report my findings of this chemical.


After reading as much information on the subject as I could locate (not much), I carefully weighed out a dosage of 15mg, with two doses of 5mg weighed out to boost later, if needed. It should be noted that my tolerance to MDMA, and MDA is quite high, as my seratonin levels are depleted, but it has been 4 months since my last dosage of either.

Ingested 15mg 5-Methyl-MDA at 11:00pm, Eastern time, August 17th, 2003.

t+ 00:10 no effects to speak of yet. much nervousness with the fact that I have ingested a chemical that has never been tested by a human.

t+ 00:20 intense rush of energy, not and MDXX feel as of yet... more of a smoked AMT feel so far.

t+ 00:25 I only hope that all of mankind can some day feel as I do right now. I'll try my best to describe the feeling with the help of my trip sitter to type, it's very intense. Sitter: he describes a great feeling of hollowness building in his body, as if it has just lost 95% of it's mass... like he's gotten smaller, but encompasses all that exists in the room. He also describes a slight feel of MDXA, somewhat of a lovey feel of MDMA, but also very intense and rushy.

t+ 00:35 Sitter: he's almost unable to move, isn't able to stand. his blood pressure is on key with what it was 10 minutes ago. he's now describing a willingness to listen to some music, but not too loud. He claims to be listening for something, when I ask him about it he says he isn't sure exatly what he is listening for, but he knows that it will come and that he will know it when he hears it.

t+ 00:45 Sitter: intensity has picked up a notch, and it should be noted that he looks like he's having quite a bit of fun. I've never seen him roll this hard before... he claims it's nothing like Ecstasy. Or like LSD. visuals at this point are mainly an intense brightness of lights around, and at this point having auditory hallucinations. he says he's found what it is he is looking for. He just told me that he's getting a little bit scared by the intensity.

t+ 01:00 visuals have kicked in much more than as last reported. seeing a world of greens oranges and blue's... it's kinda like a haze, with what looks like a cobweb effects dragging across the room as though it's covered with morning dew and sparkling. threw up when another intense rush hit at :55

t+ 01:25 nothing new to report so far. this trip is becoming more like LSD and less like an MDXX substance by the second. still feeling surges of energy, but the majority of his stimulation is visual, with less emphasis on body high.

t+ 1:45 the body high kicked it up a notch. a bit confused as if on a high dose mushroom trip. kindof staring into space now and mumbling unintelligibly. One can only wonder how long this will last

t+ 2:15 having full OEV's now. talking to a dead friend who is sitting next me. (sitter)I'm not sure as to whether or not I should allow him to continue that conversation or not. He became quite alarmed by a knock on the door 10 minutes ago. it was another friend of ours who is now watching him and making sure his conversation with our dead friend doesn't turn ugly.

t+ 2:50 body high (peak) is gone now with mainly some speedy effects, none of the chemical crap hangover feeling of MDA is present, visuals are still in full effect, not confused by them anymore but is still staring at them as though a little child. (SITTER) I don't want to interrupt him to get a reading on how he's feeling now. I can tell just by looking at him that he's doing just fine.

t+ 3:30 nothing is happening to report as of now. visuals are still intense, cannot describe them this second. communicating again, and thinking quite philisophically.

t+ 4:00 same as previous, lowering in intensity. Body high has picked back up some and is coming in waves... not as intense as the peak effects.

t+ 4:25 coming down smoothly now. visuals are limited to rings around objects... not lighted objects, but objects in general.

t+ 4:50 major effects have ended. got an MDMA like afterglow. No speediness. I forgot to add that had major eye wiggles during the peak. I mean like FREAKY eye wiggles. (sitter) He said nothing about it, but I could see his eyes crossing from across the room.

t+ 6:00 nothing has been happening. refused to take a booster dose. refused to post load with 5-HTP and Prozac. (to see how the comedown REALLY is?)

t+ 12:00 all major effects are definately gone. feel as if I could go to sleep now. Probably could have at t+6:00, but elected to endure any comedown effects for the sake of science.

So far my afterglow is perfect. Almost a day after mushrooms kind of afterglow for me. Doesn't have a chemical/fake feel to it.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I want to sleep yet. I'm enjoying life and had some major breakthroughs last night/morning. I think I'll stay up a while. I need to meditate on some things I learned during this 'trip' before I ellaborate. I just wanted to get a majority of what happened documented for all to read. I can answer questions about effects and such, but I'm still not sure about some aspects of what happened. It was an amazing breakthrough for me.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26221
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 20, 2003Views: 1,468
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