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Just a Taste...
Citation:   scroumf. "Just a Taste...: An Experience with 5-MeO-AMT (exp26477)". Aug 30, 2003.

1.0 mg oral 5-MeO-AMT (powder / crystals)
8:30pm – Using a liquid measuring syringe, I measure out 1ml of my vodka/5-meo-amt mixture (50mg 5-meo-amt in 50ml of vodka). I measured out the 5-meo-amt powder as exactly 50mg on my digital scale (2mg accuracy).

8:45pm – Experiencing mild difficulty focusing vision and jaw clenching. I turn down the music, it’s at a level that is normally comfortable… but currently seems too loud.

9:00pm – Mild stomach discomfort. Hands are cold.

9:05pm - Stomach is getting a little worse. I’m Instant Messaging people and forgetting about conversations. A friend calls; he and his girlfriend are coming over to watch a movie.

9:15pm – Stomach problems go away (never to return for the rest of the night).

9:15pm to 3:30am – I feel talkative… I feel like yakking about what’s going on tomorrow, but I’m refraining because this is a trip report. Company comes and goes, various friends of mine, we play magic the gathering, we talk, drink coffee, eat donuts. I seemed to experience slight lack of concentration, but was quite focused when doing a single specific task, or conversing with one person… I’m not sure if this is because I read that’s what happens in multiple trip reports and I just superimposed that imaginary effect onto myself or it was actually happening. Nice body buzz, drinking lots of water and urinating frequently (though the coffee likely played a part in that, as it is a diuretic). Not much is going on, but I like what’s going on. I’m just a little cheerier, social interaction makes me quite complacent… though, everyone is gone now, and I’m still quite complacent, No visuals. Stretching feels good. I don’t think my friends knew I was on anything, except for the one I told, even then he didn’t notice any difference in my behavior. I’m at a +1 (Shulgin Scale), this isn’t getting any stronger than it is now. Tomorrow I think I’m going to try 1.5mg and see what happens. I’m considering going skateboarding, I think I could drive actually (not that I would tempt fate by doing so), so I should be able to skateboard, worst case scenario I fall off my skateboard, so off I go (we’ll see if physical activity will increase the effects at all). I’m seriously having trouble resisting typing up stuff that has nothing to do with this trip report, I want to talk about how I’m putting Liszt on my mp3 player, and how I’ve been looking for more classical music mp3s and how there’s a lot of classical music on SACD and DVD-Audio that I’d love to hear, and tell you about the benefits of SACDs and DVD-Audio discs etc.

4:15am – Back from skateboarding, sweaty, but not exhausted, I shower. Effects seem lesser now I’m at a +/- (I’m not sure if I’m affected anymore)… I’m having company over tomorrow, so I decide to clean up the house.

If I ever try this again, it will be at a minimum of 1.5mg.

5:45am Bedtime, I just ate a bowl of soup and got super tired. I haven’t eaten much at all today.

The next day I was fine. I felt like I had a few beers the night before, nothing more.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26477
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 30, 2003Views: 12,602
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5-MeO-AMT (104) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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