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Lacking Fun
Venlafaxine (Effexor)
Citation:   Soso Koba. "Lacking Fun: An Experience with Venlafaxine (Effexor) (exp26595)". Apr 13, 2006.

  repeated oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (pill / tablet)
I was first introduced to effexors when a friend who had friend perscribed to them offered me and another friend of mine 3 60mg pills.

Though we sat there feeling nothing at first, my friend felt it near instantly because he had taken large amounts of trazadone, wellbutrin and clonapin earlier also. It took me a while and then it kicked in once I left the house to go to get a ride downtown.

I felt full of motivation to do anything and was full of energy, bouncing around the street, everything seemed larger than normal and more interesting, I was in a great mood but couldn't figure out why. Unfortantly I came down about the time to fall asleep, which I found I could not do, despite the fact I was extremely tired from running around, I also began to get violent muscle spasms and my mood turned very irritable, because I was living with my parents this was very difficult to hide. During this coming down time (and while I was tweaked)I had no appetite for anything even if I was hungry.

The next day I went to my friend's house again and complained about the come down effects of effexor. We went and got some weed to try and calm my body down, my other friend who had taken the effexors also wasn't expierencing this. When we were thoroughly stoned and had also drunk a little tequila my friend with the effexors explained I needed to take more in order to rid myself of the come down effects of it, being intoxicated I agreed and he handed pill after pill of effexors to me. I assume I took atleast 6 more that I remember. That night I convinced myself I was an angel and thought that I would grow my wings in my sleep.

An interesting note to effexors is that if I yawn I get a huge head rush and my whole body spasms, the feeling gets old real quick though espcially when I'm tired and can't sleep and can't help but yawn.

The next day I felt the effexors until noon and then I felt the come down, though this was apparently the effexors still working, either way I was tired of them. My body violently spasmed all day and everytime I smoked a cigarette all my extreminities would shake. The night was extremely awful, I was deathly afraid I would start convulsing and choke on my tongue so even if I could sleep I would be too afraid to. I was unable to have an appetite for anything so the most I ate was a slice of toast.

This went on for another 6 days, in which I lost around 20 pounds from the lack appetite and sleep.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26595
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2006Views: 29,931
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Pharms - Venlafaxine (191) : Hangover / Days After (46), Post Trip Problems (8), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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