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She Don't Lie
Citation:   Kelly. "She Don't Lie: An Experience with Cocaine (exp2666)". Erowid.org. Nov 9, 2001. erowid.org/exp/2666

  insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
The first time I ever tried coke was at at a party at my house. My roomate was really getting into it and I had never thought about trying it. One night a friend of my boyrfirends came over and got a gram for about 100 bucks or so. My boyfriend told me to try a numie on my gums. I was really nervous about it but when i did do it it was the coolest thing in the whole world. My gums felt like I had sucked on an ice cube for hours, when all it took was a little coke. By that time I was really considering trying it. So I told the guy if maybe we could go in the other room and do it with out all those people watching, (you have to understand, I was very nervous at the time) so we went upstairs to the kitchen and he cut up some lines for himself and I. When it was time to do it, I almost chickened out. My boyfriend, who did coke a while back told me to try just one line to see if I liked it, if not then no pressure to do it again. So I did. I had never felt anything like that before in my life.

My senses were lit up like candles. The effects from the three beers I had drunk were gone completely. I felt like cleaning the house from top to bottom. I mean, that was something I had never felt in my life. I could compare it to caffeine but it's way better then that. I then decieded to try one in the other nose and that was even better. It picked up where the other line left off. It was incredible. My boyfriend just kept looking at me with a smile on his face. I LOVED IT!! It made me feel like a very outgoing person. I mean I was talking to everybody, I'm usually very shy around people but this stuff made me what you call the belle of the ball. So the next night they all came over again and I was so ready to do it. I mean the energy from it is wild.

Over the course of a year I still do cocaine from time to time when I have a surplus of cash. I mean I don't think I could ever refuse it if it was right out in front of me. When I bought the last bag I told myself to save some, but when in truth, you can't. You never will. It is gone. Just like that Clapton song. It's the truth. You can never get it back. But I love it just the same. I was up till five in the morning when I did the most I ever really kept track of, a half gram, I really have to say this and if this is the only advice I ever give it is this: Anyone who tries coke 9 out of 10 like it and would do it again. That is a personal fact. And if you do coke you will be broke, or feel like a fool for wasting your money on it when you could have spent it on something else. I'm not sorry I ever tried it like most are, I'm glad I had the experience so if anyone asks me I'll be able to tell them straight up what it's all about.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 2666
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 9, 2001Views: 47,812
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Cocaine (13) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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