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Fun with My New Friend
Citation:   En Vision. "Fun with My New Friend: An Experience with Phentermine (exp26741)". Jun 1, 2006.

37.5 mg oral Pharms - Phentermine (pill / tablet)
    oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
I orally took a 37.5MG phentermine I got from a friend when I went to see The Dead. I was apprehensive about taking a pharmacutical because I tend to prefer ingesting natural chemicals. I had a beer while waiting for any effects.

About an hour after taking the phentermine I began to notice I was talking alot more than usual, cracking jokes, and just generally being at ease socially. I felt full of energy. We went into the show and it was quite crowded. I usually would feel a bit edgy being so crowded in, but instead I was feeling very sure of myself and sure-footed. I had plenty of time to react appropriately and could cut through the crowd with ease. Mental clarity was the best effect, though, and although the friend I was with was feeling very anxious, I felt I could still maintain my own clarity and good feelings while still being attentive and comforting to her.

I had a big smile on my face and felt very peaceful. I noticed that every sip of beer seemed to diminish my energetic state, so I stopped drinking it.

After the show, only 6 hours after I took the phentermine, I felt very drowsy. Sure enough, I had no trouble falling asleep.

I've since enjoyed phentermine on a few occasions: trancedance parties, club nights, an especially demanding day at work, and most pleasurably at a water-park this past summer. I've tried as much as 2 pills at a time and that was great too. I felt fast, clear, content, energized.

However, that first time was a bit of an anomaly in that I now absolutely cannot sleep for at least 12 hours after I take it. Blink blink. I tried to sleep and I felt really weird, like my body was made out of wood-- like my body was asleep but I was still wide awake in my head.

Also, I've noticed a bit of trend that I get a bit anxious at the tail end of the phentermine trip. This is usually remedied by remembering I'm on a drug and cuddling or socializing with people or even just a meal and a drink.

I'm beginning to build up a small tolerance to the phentermine, requiring more than 1 pill. This makes me sad, as I only get to use it for a little longer before it's useless.

Yes, it does surpress my appetite.

I know it is only a diet pill, but it has made difference in my life; I'm more open to trying other pharmacuticals, I feel better about going out and not having to worry about being too drunk to drive home, and I feel like I can dance all night and be on top of situations as they come up.

I think of Phentermine as MDMA's baby sister-- it's not going to take me to that warm cocoon but at least it's not going to wallop me for the next 3 days. No noticeable hangover.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 26741
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 1, 2006Views: 41,815
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Pharms - Phentermine (248) : Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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