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I Shouldn't Have Taken It All At Once
Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
Citation:   Rochelle J.. "I Shouldn't Have Taken It All At Once: An Experience with Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) (exp2701)". Nov 28, 2001.

600 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
Well, I heard about Dramamine from my friend, and she had read lots of stuff about it, so I said, why not try it? It was a bad mistake. I took all 12 at once while driving and thought that it would take 1-2 hours to start working. It literally took about 20 minutes.

I felt like I was high while driving, so I decided to go straight home. I would zone out very easily and it was hard to concentrate. I had to talk to my dad, and it was only 25 minutes after I had taken it, but it was barely impossible to act normal. I kept on forgetting what I was saying and what he was asking me. Then I went into my room and saw the jelly stuff on the walls that I've heard everyone sees. I started feeling very weird, and although all these stories may seem to sound somewhat cool, it wasn't at all. I went to the bathroom, and I heard my friend (who was on it too, but was in the room) calling my name. Then I heard my dad say my nickname. It really sounded like him. I almost said 'what?' but then I told myself that it wasn't real. Then I heard the news or something similar. I got really scared and ran back into my room.

I told my friend I already hated this and it was just the beginning of my trip. I got really paranoid, so I decided to throw everything up, I heard the voices again in the bathroom while throwing up, and I would see stuff in the toilet bowl that would keep me entertained while still frightened. Then my friend came over, and he made me feel better. I should always have someone sober with me when doing it, cuz I think it will make me feel more safe. I also saw the carpet moving, and the reflection of a hand, which I thought was mine, but when I moved mine, that one didn't move. It was pretty scary.

I did this about a week ago. That day, I told myself I would never do it again, but I sort of want to again, since I realize that I had a bad trip. Maybe next time I'll take the pills one by one instead of ingesting 12 at once. I didn't see any spiders, though my friend did, and the whole thing about music sounding better, I think it is true. I guess I can only learn something by trying it out myself. I learned to just go easy on it, not get scared, it will all go away eventually.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2701
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 28, 2001Views: 28,108
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Dimenhydrinate (17) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Bad Trips (6)

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