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Switch My Addiction
Citation:   crystalizedreality. "Switch My Addiction: An Experience with Effexor (exp27106)". Sep 30, 2003.

I am so sure I am not alone out there when I say that doctors don't know what the hell there doing when they prescribe something to help a person out!

See, I ahve been through this whole drug/rehab and psychotic/mental hospital thing over and over and over again. No one has answers for why I am the way I know crazy, drug addicted,depressed, BPD, suicidal and all the numerous other things they label me as. All they know is that to fix the problem they can't understand is to dope me up with 'legal drugs'! Hell I was doing a pretty good job 'fixing the problem' with illicit ones. But hey they decide to try prozac-didn't work, zoloft-didn't work, welbutrin-didn't work, serequil-didn't work, paxil-didn't work....finally after about 3 years of this they finally hit on something that worked.

EFFEXOR XR!!! My own 'miracle pill' all of a sudden the darkness lifted, life was good, and I became functional. Yea but the litlemother fuckers didn't mention withdrawls or any other problems of the sort

So one day I am just doing my good old happy thing, going on with my life, and I am so active and busy I forget to take my pill that night. (I take it at night because it was making me sleepy) And BAM! all of a sudden half way through the next day I am dizzy...walking down the street and I start to see the side walk moving like a snake, up and down, moving in strange shapes. I get so dizzy I have to hold on to the wall to walk. I feel as if I have been drinking 180 proof since breakfast. But I haven't then I finally get home and I start puking, puking until my head feels like it is being crushed under the weight of a car. I never puked that hard, not even thefirst time I tried smack! I try to lay down so it will go away. Everything is fine if I don't move a muscle, but if I even move my little pinky my head splits in two little pieces, and my very being, the fiber in my body tears...the sensation of burning hot irons under my skin, pressure in my stomach like it is being shredded in a gradder. I am like this until about 4 am in the morning. I can't sleep and I am terrified to move. It is impossible to stay still yet I feel as if I am being impailed and tortured by my mind. Finally a friend comes over. At first they scream because they think I have been relapsing. I explain to them no and have them call my pharmacist...the advice...'Go ahead and give her the dose, it should help'

SO my friend gets me my meds and and a glass. Once again movement forces me to endure pain like no other. By afternoon I am okay. All traces of sheer horror are gone, once again I am completel functional and quite healthy. A bit shook up with the incident and quite pissed at the ignorance of doctors and pharmisists.

But I will be a optimist and say I learned my lesson! Never miss a dose...cause now.... They have switched my addiction.. Survival without Effexor is no longer possible!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27106
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 30, 2003Views: 22,042
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