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Rolling Mountains
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   San Pedro. "Rolling Mountains: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp27290)". Feb 6, 2023.

325 mg oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (dried)
  Some hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I have been interested in psychedelics for a small period of time and have only done shrooms and of course bud. My father shares this interest with me and had been wanting to do mescaline for about 20 years but never had access to it until I told him I could order San Pedro off of the internet. He was quite excited and I got it all set up and ready to order. We ordered 3 cacti in which we would take about 1.5 each. We had to carefully calculate the dosage as we had many different conflicting sources. To prepare, we went out into the close by mountains to have a good setting. We despined the cacti with a knife trying to leave as much of the outer dark green layer as possible. We then cut them length ways and then into smaller cube-like prisms. We proceeded to peel off the waxy outer layer which was quite tedious and hurt my fingernails after a while. 3 cacti is a lot to peel.

Once we were all done we placed them in a dehydrator we bought for $17 and let them sit overnight. We had to do it in 2 shifts because of the large amount. The dehydrator worked very well and the size of the cubes was greatly reduced to little chips. We rented a cabin in the nearby mountains for the weekend. We stayed the night and woke up the next morning ready to go.

It was about 9:30 in the morning when we started to prepare and I didn't finish till about 1.5 hours later. We put the chips in a coffee grinder and split it into two doses. We tried different juice but the best thing is lime sherbert! Works wonder and completely neutralizes the alkaloid taste as it was just gross. After finally getting all that down we waited hoping we got the right cacti. An hour later it was in effect and feelings good. Everything was breathing, especially the incredible view of the blue ridge mountains in front of us, up close. I felt so peaceful and my stomach was really bloated. I experienced no nausea but my father did and he tried to walk it off. I just smoked some bud out of a bong to prevent any nausea. I did walk around all day with a fat stomach.

The Shenandoah was really close and was just amazing. The water was knee height and felt so good just to sit in the rapids. I didn't really care about as many things while on mesc. because before I was afraid of slipping on rocks and fish and stuff haha. I just powered my way through the briskly moving water and sat on a submerged rock. The river and slipping on the rocks just got annoying so I just went back to the cabin. The weather was absolutely perfect. Not a cloud in the sky about 75-80 degrees and no humidity. I had my black lab with me and she was having enough fun on her own. My dad was so excited and kept saying 'awww B this is it. I'm getting it'

Meanwhile I was just relaxing and accepting what I had done to myself. I had no bad effects at all. I wasn't hungry and was kind of mad because we had bought so much food but I didn't want to eat it all as I normally would. The yellow and red hues didn't stand out as much as I thought they were and the visuals weren't like I experienced on shrooms where everything blurred together into one image. Everything had life to it and I felt so connected with nature.
The yellow and red hues didn't stand out as much as I thought they were and the visuals weren't like I experienced on shrooms where everything blurred together into one image. Everything had life to it and I felt so connected with nature.
Like a native, just enjoying the beauty of nature. Letting the breeze brush up against my body. I didn't really notice ego dissolution but I noticed I wasn't as focused on myself. I was just carefree and had no problem socializing with our neighbors in the cabins next to us. They had a dog which was 80% wolf 20% siberian husky and I thought it was so amazing to be petting basically a wolf especially on the San Pedro.

Not a worry was on my mind and for all I was concerned society didn't exist. The environment played a large role in the experience and I would not want to do it in an unpleasant setting where the beauty and power of the drug cannot by fully appreciated. We had bought a telescope in town to see Mars, which was at it closest is had ever been in 60,000 years, but couldn't get it to work and it just got annoying. I didn't feel like doing anything. I would have loved to stay and be removed from society as much as possible with just the bare necessities. I still could not get over the fact that everything was breathing. I thought that it could be seen when sober just that I never had looked hard enough, but then realized that was not true. It really made me think about all the things that could be there just my mind cannot perceive it because it is limited. I contemplated my existence as a human and how I have no role in the universe and am just like any other animal on earth.

We lit a bonfire with our neighbor which was just incredible to look at even though the drug was slowly diminishing off. So slow I didn't recognize it until I thought about it and I didn't really care. I finally felt like eating and had a hotdog, but didn't feel like anymore. At about 2 in the morning we finally went to sleep and it felt absolutely incredible to lay on the futon in the cabin. It had never felt so good to lay down. The next morning I woke up and couldn't even tell I had taken the mesc. the night before. It felt like any other Sunday morning.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27290
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2023Views: 359
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53), Nature / Outdoors (23), Families (41), Mystical Experiences (9), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2)

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