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Inebriation in the Head and Slight Nausea
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   SamboFanny. "Inebriation in the Head and Slight Nausea: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp27552)". Oct 22, 2015.

2 hits smoked Sceletium tortuosum (dried)
I ordered 7 grams of Sceletium tortuosum, (also known as Kougoed, Kaugoed, Channa, and Kanna) from a Dutch internet supplier.

I decided smoking would be my method of consumption and placed a small amount of the finely ground plant material in my pipe. The taste wasn't unpleasant, but could hardly be described as pleasant either. Let's just say, it's smokeable ...

Felt the first hit rather quickly (under a minute or two) and it went straight to my head (so-to-say). I felt it working in my brain ... Not clouding my thought process mind you, but rather like being drunk. To a lesser degree I also felt it affecting my motor skills ... 'inebriated' describes it best. A slight ringing in my ears and some (slight) visual stimulation.

Decided to take another hit several minutes later ...

Again, the feeling was more of the same. Smoking more did not intesify the previous effect. I also felt just a little upset in the stomach, e.g. nausea. Not enough to vomit, but just a little. Again, not unlike having had too much to drink (alcohol).

The (very slight) nausea passed and the inebriation in my head remained. But my thought process did not seem affected. Which is to say, that I had perfect control of my thoughts and felt that I could perform most processes requiring mental thought and concentration.

I would compare the herb to being drunk. In some ways, more intense (especially in the head) - but less insofar as affecting motor skills. I wouldn't necessarily compare it to marijuana (although it's definitely an 'in-your-head' type of buzz) and I wouldn't say that it affected my mood like marijuana typically might lift my spirit. I would however, say that it definitely distracted from the stress and events of the day.

The effects seem quite strong to me, so I'm not certain about long term use on the thought process. An hour after taking the first hit, I still feel it in my head - but to a lesser degree. I feel relaxed and calm ... So maybe there is a degree of mood alteration.

Without rambling on and on ... It's worth trying. It is legal. It's not a substitute for marijuana. I'm not sure about any daily usage. And finally, please don't drive while being under the effects of this plant.

Best Regards,

SamboFanny (Germany)

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27552
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 22, 2015Views: 3,291
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