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Can Be Beneficial
Paroxetine - Paxil
Citation:   LackinSerotonin. "Can Be Beneficial: An Experience with Paroxetine - Paxil (exp27611)". May 30, 2007.

25 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (daily)
Ever since I was about 17 I noticed my mental health and overall hapinnes decline. Mental illness runs in my family and I was becomming overwhelmed with anxiety, which I first mistook for depression. Eventually at 19 physical symptoms of uneasiness, nervousness, racing heart, and sweaty palms became a common thing. I felt worthless, hated my feelings and wanted to die but was too afraid of what would happen after I actaully eneded my own life since I don't believe in any religion.

To deal with my problems I resorted to drinking heavily about four or five times a week, which was fun but too self detrimental. Eventually I became fed up with the shit I had to go through everyday and told my parents, they gave me shit in return, at first saying, 'I was depressed at your age too, but things got better.'

I told them I needed to see a doctor and putting up with my illness wasn't going to work for me. I told my doctor about my problem and she said it an anxiety disorder and she was going to give me something to 'make it all better.' She gave me samples of Paxil and Xanax and told me to not worry because everthing was going to get better for me.

I decided to look up Paxil and see what people had to say about it, what I read was not what I expected. Everyone seemed pretty adamant about talking shit about Paxil, except for the company that makes it. I decided not to take it because it sounded worse than shock therapy and I said 'fuck it, I'll just smoke weed to counter the anxiety and hope I get more Xanax.'

I went to see a counselor as well and her advice was not too listen to what I read on the internet and give the Paxil a try. I figured that life couldn't get any worse at this point so I began to pop the little pink pills. At first I noticed nothing but two or three weeks later I woke up out of bed and realized how much energy I had. Soon after I began to feel more self confidence and less anxious, just an overall feeling of being chill for once. Now after about three months of Paxil I couldn't be happier that I decided to go with this drug. I am much more confident, don't take shit anymore, speak my voice and laugh at anxiety. I am greatful that Paxil cunt punted that god foresaken anxiety out of my system.

Most of the reports claim Paxil to be shit in pill form, I disagree. If you actually have a chemical imbalance in your brain than Paxil can offer relief. As far as being addicted to Paxil I can't claim I am or not, I've never tried to go off of it. I have however gone two days without it and was fine, no withdrawl symptons at all. I also have not had any bad interactions between Paxil and alcohol, weed, salvia, mushrooms, Xanax, vicodin or other opiates, and other various recreational drugs (DXM, diphenhydrinate, and other legal highs). So if you feel you truely have depression or an anxiety disorder than give an SSRI a try, I know life can't get much worse when you have one of these disorders so please do something about it.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27611
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2007Views: 19,399
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148) : Glowing Experiences (4), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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