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Holy Shit!
by Tony
Citation:   Tony. "Holy Shit!: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp27714)". Oct 21, 2003.

  smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
Well lets just say i went in over my head on this one. I am a fairly experienced user of psychedelics (mostly mushrooms, acid, mdma), and have recently started trying some more 'exotic' substances. One on the list was 5meoDMT. Me and a few of my friends, 2 of which were not experienced users, decided to give it a whirl. Me and my friend who was also experienced were having effects less than what we wanted. So we continued to smoke a hit here and there for about an hour. The substance did not have a strong effect on me. One of my unexperienced friends had taken a hit earlier, with strong but totally controllable effects. He wanted to try taking another hit, so i loaded on up. This is where shit hit the fan. As soon as he took the hit, he became disoreinted and in a matter of seconds was on the floor, fetal position, thrashing, clenching, groaning. He was totally dissociated, which scared the shit out of everyone there. He sounded like he was having some trouble breathing, too. Then we thought he started to come around a little bit, and started saying 'HOLY SHIT' and 'WHAT HAVE I DONE' and the he started screaming, howling is more like it. He threw up, and was completely out of it for another 15 minutes or so, and didn't remember anything. Then he really started to come around. I had read up on this substance here at erowid, and thought i was prepared for what might happen. I sure as hell did not expect this. I, being young and invincible, was sure none of the train wreck trips would ever happen to me or the people i care about. Please don't fool yourself into thinking this. We were totally unprepared for this experience. We were also very sloppy and nonchalant with our dosage. Please use caution when using this drug! We were very lucky nobody got hurt during this bout with 5meoDMT.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27714
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 21, 2003Views: 22,584
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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