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An Infinite Complexity of Significance
2C-E & Cannabis
Citation:   MantaRayDrink. "An Infinite Complexity of Significance: An Experience with 2C-E & Cannabis (exp28091)". Feb 2, 2004.

T+ 0:00
12.5 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 5.0 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 2:00   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I had received 100mg of 2C-E from an online vendor 2 weeks previous, but had delayed any trial of the compound as I was recovering from a bad cold. When the time came to try the 2C-E, there were 3 participants, myself and two friends (who I will refer to as B and T). I have previous experience with LSD, Psilocybe mushrooms, mescaline, LSA, MDMA, yohimbine, AMT, and MDA. I was excited about trying 2C-E after reading reports, as the only other phenethylamine (as opposed to amphetamine deriv) I have tried is mescaline, and they had been life changing, in a positive way (mescaline killed any desire to get drunk, and I very rarely consume alcohol now).

All three of us had read reports in order to determine what dose to take and what the main effects would be. I decided to take 12.5mg, while B and T opted for 10mg (all doses determined by dissolving 100mg in 100ml of distilled water). The chronology is approximate as at the peak, time became a difficult concept.

9:30pm (t +0:00)
We all consumed our doses on fairly empty stomachs. The solution had an unpleasant bitter taste, but did not linger.

10:00 (t +0:30)
T noted ‘something’, but could not say what, only that he thought the effects were beginning.

10:45 (t +1:15)
At this point all three of us were beginning to notice fleeting visual effects in the periphery of our vision. T also commented that he was experiencing some amphetamine type stimulation.

11:00 (t +1:30)
Effects definitely developing, somewhat like mescaline, but over a shorter timescale. As I felt very comfortable with the effects so far, I opted to take a 5mg booster dose. B took another 2.5mg , but T decided not to take an additional dose as he felt nauseous and slightly anxious due to the stimulant effects.

11:10 (t +1:40)
T rushed to bathroom and began vomiting. This continued for aprox. 10 mins. He stated that the stimulant side was making him feel very uncomfortable, so I suggested that we take a walk outside to get some fresh air and help dissapate any excess energy.

11:30 (t +2:00)
After taking 15 mins to roll a spliff with some skunk (thought it would help T’s nausea) we went outside for a walk in a nearby park. Even though it was very cold for this time of year in the north of England, none of us seemed to notice it. B began marching out in front and generally behaving like an excited teenager (he is 50 and generally lags behind if walking anywhere as a group). T appeared to be benefiting and I slowly began to feel as if something ‘magical’ was about to happen (at the time I remember saying that I felt like we were in a Lord of the Rings type environment). Once we were off the footpath and into the park, I lit the spliff and we smoked it while walking around the park. After about 5 mins, T said he felt very anxious, and could we go back inside.

11:40 (t +2:10)
T became very agitated as B could not find his key to his front door, and after a couple of mins searching his pockets, he eventually found his keys and opened the door. By this time, T had started complaining of feeling like he was receiving electric shocks, and was obviously very anxious.

12:00 (t +2:30)
B had put some chill-out music (Osric Tentacles), but T was becoming more anxious, so the music was turned off and T asked if he could lie down in a room with the lights off. Although I sat with him for a few minutes, I felt that I was not much help as I felt extremely calm, and could not empathize with his anxious state. Eventually he said he felt it would be OK for me to leave him for a while. As I went into the main room, I said I would check back in 10 to 15 mins if he wanted. He said he felt as if he was through the worst of it, and wanted to be alone for a while.

12:20 (t +2:50) aprox
By now the booster dose I had taken was working and I felt a state of total serenity come over me, and began to experience what I can only describe as the connection between all living things (not just the three of us, but also with B’s plants) and that God, not the Devil, was in the detail. When I was a child, I had, as a lot of children do, thought of god as a bearded man who was up above, but in my teenage years had rejected the idea (along with the whole Catholic church) as being a way of social control; but now I realized that God (for the want of a better word) was what had organized the chaos of the Universe into stars, planets and eventually life, leading eventually to us as a self aware lifeform. It also explained why God did not prevent terrible things from happening. God is neither good nor evil, God just is (as an agent of organization) or to put it another way Nature was not an agent of God, it is God.

Over the next 2 hours I was deeply engrossed in organizing these thoughts in a coherent manner. During this time, T had re-entered the room and was now feeling much calmer, and had been telling B about what he had experienced.

2:30 (t +5:00)
At this point, I felt that I was past the plateau and was beginning to come down, but began noticing the walls, which looked as if they had an animated watermark moving just below the surface. I noted that the winamp visualization running on the computer would suddenly exhibit an exaggerated 3D quality. I also spent this time trying to explain the insights I had experienced to B and T. This continued, along with smoking several spliffs, until about 5:30 (t +8:00) when I got comfortable on a sofa and fell into a light sleep until about 10:00.

Although I did not experience the ‘coat-hanger’ grin anywhere near as much as with mescaline, I feel that I had what can only be described as an enlightening experience. I feel that I must also state that 2C-E is a two-edged sword as T stated that he had come close to a panic attack, and would not take 2C-E again. All in all, this is an extremely deep and powerful psychedelic, capable of producing a state of mind comparable with high dose LSD (but without the ‘edge of insanity’ feelings the LSD can produce) and is definitely not a recreational party drug. Due to the depth of the trip, 2C-E is for me, something that lends itself to use only once or twice a year

Be happy and enlightened, but take care in all things

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28091
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2004Views: 14,290
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2C-E (137) : Mystical Experiences (9), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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