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Treating Auditory Hallucinations
Olanzapine & Cannabis
Citation:   Oerentvist. "Treating Auditory Hallucinations: An Experience with Olanzapine & Cannabis (exp28311)". Erowid.org. Nov 10, 2003. erowid.org/exp/28311

7.5 mg oral Pharms - Olanzapine (pill / tablet)
I started using Zyprexa about 2-3 weeks ago after being on alprozalam for a cannabis psychosis after figuring out that the alprozalam didn’t help much. I have audio hallucinations and I have thought that there was a camera inside my room and that all people were against me, I cant go to any place with many people as I tend to panic and get offensive (aggressive).

After I started on olanzapina I am more calm have less audio hallucinations, I feel more like myself as I was before my addiction to cannabis, it’s of course also because I’ve stopped smoking hash. I have smoked since I started on anti-psychotic medication, but it has helped me in a funny way, when I smoked I could see my mental illness in a very clear way and I felt at total peace with myself. It helped me in that way cause now I know my psychosis better, I don’t have any plans on smoking again ever, even though I may smoke a little (one hit or so) when my psychosis has disappeared totally. But I'm not sure. Not at all. I’m happy that I stopped smoking. cause when I did I had nothing to live for, now I may have something left, I’m only 16 and have alot to live for. I thought my life was over...now it's time for medication.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28311
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2003Views: 24,679
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Cannabis - Hash (93), Pharms - Olanzapine (260) : Not Applicable (38), Health Benefits (32)

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