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Something to Be Said for Taking One Hit
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   NitroJunkie. "Something to Be Said for Taking One Hit: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp28579)". Apr 23, 2007.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
I've noticed quite a few reports in which people have a horrible incident with LSD or other substance (though it's usually psychedelics) and decide never to ingest it again. I'm not going to attack anyone's decision as I used to feel the same way about acid. After a horrible acid trip during my very haphazard drug days early in high school in which (among other things) I broke a friend's nose, I decided to swear off LSD. This lasted for roughly 2 and a half years where my drug experimentation calmed down a bit. I would still indulge in the occasional mushroom trip or pharmy experience and regularly smoked pot and drank, but no more acid. I know it sounds weird that I would still do mushrooms but one of the main factors I feel that led to my bad experience is the length of time I can trip on acid. Sometimes a 10+ hour experience is just too much.

Anyway on to the trips.

Something in the Autumn air feels psychedelic and always gives me the urge to go on a journey. As everyone who trips knows the availability of mushrooms is rather random and either they're around or they aren't. Slowly I began toying with the idea of using LSD again. I decided I had to be smarter about it this time and watch my dosage and setting. In October I found that a friend of mine had returned from a jam band concert out of state with a reasonable amount of acid he was willing to sell. He informed me it wasn't the strongest acid which I was ok with as I didn't want a hardcore trip. I bought the lowest amount he would sell which was 5 small tabs.

That Friday I finished class at 11 and met up with my friend J. The original plan was that I would provide the acid, J would provide weed, and two other friends would bring some opium. J and I attempted to contact the two others, we’ll call them P and A, from his dorm but had no luck. Eventually we decided just to head over to my apartment and on the way bought tripping essentials like cigarettes and drinks. Once we arrived we took some bong hits and then managed to contact P and A. Unfortunately they did not obtain any opium but were bringing more herb which was just fine with me.

J and I waited awhile for them to arrive but they were taking a very long time so at around 12:45 or so we each took a hit. P and A then arrived at about 1:15 and neither J or I were feeling anything yet. P and A ingested their’s and we proceeded to smoke insane amounts of weed through the various pieces in my apartment, including a glass bong and huka. We were so high from the marijuana that I wasn’t sure if I was feeling the acid or not though when J and I were sitting on the porch and listening to music it became clear that there was a bit more going on than just the high from the weed. The trees looked more interesting than usual and everything seemed extremely funny.

J and I went back into my apartment with P and A and smoked even more. By this point we were all talking constantly and laughing a lot, typical threshold effects. Around 3 o’clock (T+2 hours) we heard a knock on the door. I at first blocked the door from being answered and with a sudden wave of paranoia glanced out through the peephole. I was very relieved to see it was another friend of mine. He knew we were tripping and invited us to his house where there was “more glass”. I awkwardly allowed someone else to drive my car and we went over to my other friends house where we were pleasantly entertained with psychedelic music, artwork, and incredible amounts of smoking.

The setting was perfect for a light trip as things remained fun and I never hit a disquieting introspection. Even more entertaining than talking and laughing with everyone was J seeing an old guy from his AA meetings walking passed us as we were obviously messed up on something. My trip heightened at this point to probably what would be considered a +2 euphoria. This lasted for another several hours of socializing. I felt myself coming down around 6 o’clock, though I didn't stop feeling it until around 10PM roughly T+9 hours and I decided to leave to pick up another friend who I was supposed to hang out with for the remainder of the evening. Driving down the Washington, D.C. beltway blasting white zombie while tripping was probably the one stupid choice I made but luckily there was no disaster.

My next experience was last Friday. I ingested a slightly more powerful hit at the tale end of the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie. Again I had another pleasant but mostly threshold experience but I won’t bore you with the specifics of it.

So what is the moral of the story? Basically that psychedelics can be enjoyed at threshold levels and that you shouldn’t let one bad experience totally ruin a substance for you. Full blown trips are fun and I’m sure I will have more of those before my tripping days end but there is something to be said for taking a hit of acid and chilling on the body high. In fact, the tendency of my trips has been to use less and less rather than more and more as I feel that I have seen most of what is to be seen in that place psychedelics take me and I’m not sure that it’s healthy physically, mentally, or spiritually to go there regularly. I know what’s in the void, I don’t need to see it every day to remember. My previous bad experience probably could’ve been avoided had I taken a reasonable dose instead of what I did, roughly 7 liquid hits.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28579
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 23, 2007Views: 15,238
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LSD (2) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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