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A Lot of Fun
Triprolidine & Pseudoephedrine
Citation:   Malagai. "A Lot of Fun: An Experience with Triprolidine & Pseudoephedrine (exp28647)". Dec 13, 2013.

  oral Triprolidine (pill / tablet)
    oral Pseudoephedrine (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: While the author reported the substance used as codeine, readers should be aware that Actifed with codeine ('Actifed C') was only available as a syrup, not as a pill. It is more likely that the pills contained a combination of pseudoephedrine and triprolidine, the latter of which is an anticholinergic antihistamine and that the dose reported here would be particularly high. Additionally, the effects described in the report closely reflect an anticholinergic drug rather than an opiate drug. Therefore we have categorized this as a triprolidine/pseudoephedrine report.]

I had heard of people overdosing on various OTC drugs such as Sudafed and Actifed for a nice high with codeine. This interested me, so I went down to the local Save-ons and pocketed a pack of Actifed containing 24 pills of 8 mg each. When I got home, I set a lawn chair out in my backyard and just sort of sat there for a while after consuming the 24 pills (192 mg). I expected something cool to happen, but nothing did.

I decided I needed more, so I went down to Save-ons again and pocketed another pack of Actifed. I walked into the wash behind the Save-ons, and took the rest, making the total 384 mgs consumed. I then started to feel a little bit nervous due to the fact that while taking em I could not count for shit, and I was really confused. It took me a couple of tries to count the pills before eating 'em, and during this time I realized that I thought I had took 12 back at the house, but it was, in fact, 24!

I started walking along the bike path, and about 15 minutes later it felt as if somebody had grabbed my hair and started pulling it! It was extremely pleasant, however. It was as if somebody was giving me a message, and any contact with my scalp had a weird sensation that was very comfortable. I walked through this neighborhood and started up a hill to visit a friend's house. I hadn't seen him in years, so I figured maybe today I should go see him. The whole time I was walking up the hill, I was touching my head and knocking on it to get the weird sensations going. It's as if I was wearing an invisible hat. It was rather amusing, and I figured if anybody saw me doing it they would probably get a laugh, but I really didn't care. That's another thing codeine did to me. It gave me a sort of sense of well-being and diminishes a lot of problems with low self-esteem.

Upon reaching the top of the hill, I tried to remember where my friend lived, but I just couldn't. I knocked on several people's doors and asked if they knew of him. Normally I would never do this, but for some reason I just didn't give a shit. Embarassment was not an issue in this state of mind.

Well, I failed in finding his house, so I walked back down the hill and started down the street. Every bus stop I passed by I would ask people if they could spare a dollar, but every single one declined. It was funny because when I attempted to speak, it would come out very fragmented and contradictory. I remember every time I requested a dollar, I would say something like 'Could I spare, you spare me I spare a dollar?' This most likely may be why they declined. And upon reaching another bus stop, I said to myself 'Speak normal, don't mess up this time.' But, ironically, out came 'Could I spare, you spare me I spare a dollar?' It was actually pretty funny.

I finally found somebody I briefly knew about 2 miles from where I started off of Shangri-La (the hill). He was this retarded man that took the bus named Tig. I asked if he could spare a dollar, and he said he only had 24 cents, which I accepted. Now that I think about it, I feel really bad because I just asked a poor handicap for money, and that was probably his bubblegum money or something. :( If I ever see him again, I'll be sure to pay him back a full dollar. Anyway, the bus arrived and I got on. Instead of the standard four quarters needed to place in the machine, I drop four pennies in and hoped it worked. The back of my hand faced the driver so he wouldn't see, but I think he knew what was up and just ignored it and let me on. Everybody was looking at me as I sat down, but I didn't care. Normally I shit a brick when people look at me, due to my social anxiety, but codeine completely diminishes it.

Upon getting off the bus, I tripped and 'hurt' my ankle. It actually felt damn good, sort of like my scalp, and then I got an idea. I started hitting various spots of my body (arms, legs, chest, head) and then everything went numb and felt very orgasmic, to say the least. I walked into this neighborhood to visit one of my friends, at the same time hitting my arms in a sort of Nazi-esque salute or something, which I assume somebody would question. I ran into one of his friends, and out came 'Hey, you are Robert? Hi again, this is Tyler. Do you remember me? Well, I am wondering is Brian - is he home?' He was looking at me funny and told me Brian was working, so I responded with 'Oh, hey thanks, and nice to meet you again.' And he responded with much the same, accept it wasn't so funny.

I hopped a fence that went into the wash, and upon hitting the ground, my body went berserk and completely flushed over with numbness. It felt so cool. I suddenly felt the urge to beat myself up, and that I did. I didn't just hit myself, but I HIT myself all over. I totally slugged myself in the face several times that would probably make anybody fall to the floor. My face rushed with pleasure. It was awesome. I would regret this the next day when visible bruises started appearing. :)

I left the wash and started walking home. For some reason I just wanted to help people. With what? Well, it doesn't matter, I just wanted to help them. I saw a man and his wife digging holes in their front yard, and I was about to ask if I could give them a hand, but I stopped myself and said 'These are the drugs talking.'

I got home, and just layed down and had a fun time doing nothing. It felt so good just sitting there!

That night, as I tried to sleep, I actually started to hallucinate. I didn't know codeine did such a thing to someone, but I swear it happened. I shut my eyes, and the first hallucination was bright lights flashing from the outside. Upon opening them, I saw a weird creature of some sort running on the cieling. It looked sort of like a microscopic monster the size of a basketball or something. It scared the shit out of me, and it dissapeared about two minutes later. The room became shrouded in mist. Then these two black circles, one double the size of the other, slid from one side of the cieling to a corner on the other side, and just sat there for the majority of the night. I don't know what they were there for or what they actually were, but I found them amusing, and actually spoke to them asking which movie they would prefer we watch. We ended up watching Enemy Mine, but then I turned it off due to bordom and being so tired. I tried to sleep, but for some reason I just couldn't. The codeine wouldn't let me. I was very comfortable and all, but I was very restless. The 'micro' monster appeared every once in a while and ran along the cieling, and the two circles were still there, but the next hallucination I saw I was completely unprepared to witness. I was looking out in the hallway after tiring of speaking to the circles, and suddenly this huge black demon about three feet wide and 5 feet tall popped out from the ground in front of my bookshelf! He did this in a manner similar to that of toast popping out of a toaster, and as soon as I looked at him, he dissapeared. By this time, I just sat in bed trying to sleep, but never managed to the whole night.

The next day I believe I may have had a hangover. That or I was just really tired and really hungry. I hadn't eaten in over 24 hours, due to the fact that during the trip food didn't seem necessary. I witnessed only one hallucination that morning, being a weird skeletal hand coming out of the bathroom and sort of tapping on the door. It looked very unrealistic, but it was amusing. I pretty much felt very shitty that day and I was really stupid. I tried to do my work, but all that was produced was a bunch of scratched out messy shit, and a couple of spirals drawn along the sides. :) When I spoke I sounded really stupid and fragmented, more so than yesterday. It took me a while to respond to questions and such because I had to figure out what they meant.

By the time I was in my last class of the day, I kept dozing off, until eventually I think I fell asleep while still sitting up. I was looking at the teacher giving a lecture one minute, and the next I am speaking to my assigned group about our project we must complete by the end of the week. Its like they just suddenly appeared and the time increased by twenty minutes in a single second or so. This is when I was completely out of it. The whole day I was pretty much just sick and a little bit high. Now I was completely fucked up and everything seemed absolutely hilarious. My hands were repulsive and veiny. The room was covered in mist. My group knew something was wrong with me, but I didn't care. I even asked them why the room was covered in mist, and this completely gave it away. I was back in that strange codeine world.

I felt as if I wasn't really there... as if it was a dream. When the bell rang, I left and it was like everybody was sort of floating, and they were looking at me and smiling. I felt very good and confident. I loved it.

I walk home with my friend Andrew (I call him Ant) and his brother Noah, and they knew something was up with me. Everything they said was hilarious, and I was way too busy looking at the beautiful surroundings to speak with them. Their questions were hard to understand, but I attempted to respond to them. I passed my street and kept on walking with them for some reason. I kept walking and I had no clue as to why, I just felt like it I suppose.

Suddenly I saw the funniest thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life. I believe this is probably the greatest part of the whole two-day trip off of codeine. Ant was talking, and then suddenly Noah yelled at him 'Dammit, get in front of me Andrew! You keep fucking giving me flat tires!' And Ant yelled back something like 'No! You fucking walk too slow!' It was so hilarious! They were very serious and were practically screaming at each other for such a lame reason and for quite a long time and my perception may have exaggerated it. Their long hair gave me the impression that they were two wolves snarling at each other, and I started laughing uncontrollably, and then Noah got pissed off at me and walked ahead of us in his rage. Ant responded with something like 'Way to go, Tyler.' I walked with Ant a little further, still laughing, and then realized I had passed my house a long time ago and turned around.

That afternoon I never slept better.

Codeine was really fun. Since then I have taken smaller doses (about 90-125 mg) to relax. I've taken it before school and felt happy and content the whole day. It also helps me socialize. Too much made the socializing aspect nearly obsolete as I'd be talking like a moron. I was dumb for starting off with 384 mg as now I realize that if I were allergic, I could have very well been hurt. Also, don't plan on really doing anything for a couple of days if you OD so bad like I did.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28647
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 13, 2013Views: 18,131
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Triprolidine (620), Pseudoephedrine (215) : Various (28), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2)

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