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Making It Homemade
Citation:   daverrtech. "Making It Homemade: An Experience with Absinthe (exp29430)". Dec 22, 2003.

  oral Absinthe (liquid)
Over the past several months I have researched homemade absinthe online. Although many reports were negative, there were enough positive ones to justify the experiment. So I ordered the herbs online, and followed this recipe (minus distillation since I heard that was optional):

After the macerations, I filtered the liquid and discovered that it was NOT green, but whiskey colored. I decided to try it anyway. I prepared the drink by pouring a little in a glass and dribbling 3 times as much water into it. It did NOT louche! Discouraged, I added a spoonful of sugar and drank.

Or I should say, I TRIED to drink it. The mixture was so bitter I couldn't stand it. It did NOT taste similar to licorice (like actual absinthe usually does) but tasted completely of wormwood. The mixture was so horrible I was unable to drink enough to even see if the wormwood had any effect.

I spent $60 on herbs and alcohol, but for another $30 I could have imported a bottle of absinthe (from a well-known company) and not have wasted all the herbs.

I say, leave the absinthe making to the professionals.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29430
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 22, 2003Views: 1,140
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Absinthe (4) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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