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Thoroughly Engaged
Citation:   ChuckStar. "Thoroughly Engaged: An Experience with DPT (exp29563)". Jan 11, 2007.

35 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
December 27

Experience- First Time
Setting- Movie Theater 'Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King

I was somewhat skeptical about taking this substance in such a public place. I've heard that it can really scare people and I was curious as to how I would react. I was aware that it affected different people in different ways. Anyways, I decided to try it anyways since I have had a higher tolerance to other substances in the past.

8:20 PM - Insufflated 35mg of DPT. No immediate changes, horrible smell, chewed wintergreen gum to mask the taste of the drip.

8:30 PM - Notice slight change in mood, increased energy but still feeling relaxed.

8:40 PM - We arrived at the movie theater. Purchasing tickets was somewhat difficult, I had trouble thinking about what I needed to say in order to purchase tickets. My friend bought his ticket first, so that made it easier, I just said, 'One for the same thing as him', everything worked out fine. At the concession stand I was definitely starting to feel it more intensely and I even had trouble being able to order my drink, but even then, I was able to do this without raising suspicion.

8:50 PM - The previews began and immediately I was enthralled in every second of each preview. The loud noises of the theater enhanced each moment and I felt as if I couldn't even turn away. After each preview I felt blown away at how powerfully it enthralled me into watching it. All I could seem to say was 'wow”. Physically I was very relaxed and almost felt as if I was hovering over my chair. I was never chilled throughout the experience, and remained feeling warm the whole time.

9:00 PM - The movie began. Feeling physically the same as 10 minutes before, that feeling lasted for most of the movie (Its about 200 minutes long). Again like in the previews, I was intensely into each part, and could hardly turn away. I could definitely tell that this substance was enhancing this experience, but that it also didn't give me the frightening effects that I had been weary about. This pleased me.

10:00 PM - I decided that I couldn't explore all the effects of this substance while sitting in my chair in the movie; I needed to move around a little. I decided to make a quick trip to the bathroom. The walk to the bathroom was interesting, I accidentally walked about halfway to the women’s bathroom before realizing I was walking towards the wrong one, so I had to abruptly turn around and walk to completely opposite way. I think a couple people saw this and stared at me, but I didn't care, it was a simple mistake. When I came into the bathroom I went into a stall and stared at the red tiles ahead of me. I was looking for any distortions, or that 'breathing' effect. Nothing, but for some reason I couldn't help but stare at the tiles longer, something about them engaged me for a short amount of time. I finally realized I was missing the movie and returned to the theater.

11:30 PM - The event of the past 90 minutes didn't change much, and I remained feeling relaxed in my chair and engaged in the movie. I could start to feel myself coming down around this time.

12:20 PM - The movie ended and me and my friend walked out the back door. The cold winter breeze hit me but it felt nice, I was almost all the way down at this point and by the time I arrived home, I was completely down.

My first experience of DPT was exactly how I had hoped. I was worried at first about how I would react but my suspicions of sensitivity to this substance seemed to be right. I saw an excellent movie during this experience and the substance kept me enthralled with the movie the entire time. I can't wait to increase my dosage to see if a higher dose will enhance this substance.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29563
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2007Views: 7,613
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DPT (21) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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