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Mixed Opinions
Citation:   The Good Kid. "Mixed Opinions: An Experience with Crack (exp29567)". Jan 29, 2018.

6 hits smoked Crack (freebase)
It's 1:57 am at the moment. I'm a recreational drug user, 16 years old. I've tried my fair share of things (shrooms,MDMA,pot,DXM,nitrous,cigarettes,alcohol,coke,crack) and tonight at about 10:00 I came across a little bit of rock. I had freebased cocaine 3 times before with larger quantities, so I had to ration it so that I wouldn't be craving all night. I hadn't done anything but DXM and weed since the last time I had freebased.

The first one I had as just a primer, and I waited for the craving to kick in before doing the next few. About 20 minutes after the first hit I had another, the finished the others all at once another 15 minutes later. It's difficult for me to describe aside from a couple distinct things. Foremost is the numbing. After I had finished it all, the roof of my mouth was completely numb and my sinuses were pretty numb as well. I could feel that my lungs and chest were numb as well, which gave me a pleasant 'ah, the good old feeling' vibe. I spent the next 45 minutes or so lying in my bed and making a very pleasurable yawning motion with my mouth. I kept trying to yawn, but couldn't, because of the numbness, but it was for some reason very pleasurable. Afterwards I sat around, watched a movie and surfed around on the net a bit. I've been pretty tweaked since then, but I think a key to my not craving more is that I appreciate this buzz part of the high as much as the euphoric inhalation part. The only problem is that tomorrow, and the next day, and any other days from here until I don't know when will be filled with the thought of 'Man, I could go for a big fat rock right now.', or 'I've got a bunch of free time right now, I wish I could get some powder.'

All in all, its my drug of choice really. I enjoy the way it makes me feel, but I enjoy it an awful lot, and having it available is like living next door to a candy shop as a kid. One can bet where all of the kids spare change goes. The withdrawl for me is completely mental, not physical like opiates, but it's pretty intense sometimes, and the worst feeling is never knowing if it will ever go away. On top of that, smoking something that tastes like plastic (although I've grown to like it) can't possibly be good for the lungs.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29567
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 29, 2018Views: 5,481
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Crack (82) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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