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Almost No Hangover
Citation:   DROX. "Almost No Hangover: An Experience with TMA-2 (exp29789)". Jan 7, 2004.

60 mg oral TMA-2 (powder / crystals)
A good friend of mine gave me 3 grams of TMA-2 whith which to experiment. The first experiment I took 30mg. It was a bit like MDMA that never really materializes. But at 60mg, wow. The five of us who took it spent most of the night laughing our butts off and staring at the beautiful hallucinations it produces (there were none at the lower dose).

I must say that without a doubt this substance is the best psychedelic I have yet experienced. It is quite alot like mescaline with maybe fuzzier hallucinations and much happier vibe. Not only did I have a great warm psychedelic experience, I was extremely surprised to find myself without any real hangover the next day. I have tried TMA-2 about five times now and have had almost no hangover other than that of lack of sleep. At 60mg things are quite intense, but not to the point of DMT or even a 500mcgm LSD dose, but I would definitely think twice before going over the 60mg mark.

Either way know yourself and your drugs before you mix them together.

PS A few beers on the down trip is great.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29789
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 7, 2004Views: 10,301
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TMA-2 (112) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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