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Hiccups and Red Eyes
Citation:   Pantless. "Hiccups and Red Eyes: An Experience with Yohimbe (exp30133)". Erowid.org. Jun 25, 2007. erowid.org/exp/30133

2 Tbsp oral Yohimbe (powder / crystals)
I had heard of the yohimbe bark powder being a powerful aphrodisiac causing spontaneous and long lasting erections. I decided to 'surprise' my girlfriend by secretly ingesting 2 heaping spoonfuls of the bark powder at about 2100 hours. I got really bad hiccups that would not go away. Very unusual for me.

About an hour later we went to bed. I did not feel any aphrodisiac effects but we had our normal sex when the hiccups stopped. Nothing unusual and eventually I drifted off to sleep. At about midnight I got up to pee and began hiccupping some more. It was a very spasmic hiccupping and it was painful. I began to feel very hot and began sweating profusely. The sweat literally soaked the bed. My heart began to race over 200 beats per minute and I was beginning to wonder if I was going to die.

After about 2 hours the hiccups and the sweating and dying feeling left but I had to get up to pee again. When I got up I felt faint and could barely make it to the bathroom. I felt like I was going to throw up. My eyes were red and very dilated. I had to sit up on the couch afraid I was going to puke. I did eventually return to bed but did not sleep. It is now 10:00 the next day and still haven't slept. My head and stomach feel terrible. I find it difficult to concentrate (like a very bad hangover) and I can't eat. I never felt the aphrodisiac effects. Just misery. Maybe I ingested too much. I'll never find out because I'm going to throw the rest away. The experience felt a lot like eating 10 grams of morning glory seeds but with none of the positive effects.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30133
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 25, 2007Views: 14,406
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Yohimbe (96) : First Times (2), Sex Discussion (14), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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