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Bad Combo
Citation:   The Dart. "Bad Combo: An Experience with MDMA & DXM (exp30462)". Nov 23, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 4:00 1/2 tablet oral MDMA
  T+ 12:00 360 mg oral DXM
Ecstasy & DXM Bad Combo

This experience began on New Years Eve. I had procured 3 hits of ecstasy to use at a club while checking out a great dnb DJ in my city. My girlfriend was coming with me. We decided to use 1 pill each in the club and then split and snort the other when we came back to my house. Around 11pm we arrive at the club, and dose. Normal ecstasy experience for the most part. I rolled very quickly coming up and down in about 2 hours. My girlfriend, however, started rolling hard about the time I came down. We left the club at roughly 3am and I was feeling sober at this point, my girlfriend was still messed up. We proceeded to my house and snorted the other half of the pill and then had sex for a while and went to sleep around 5:30am.

I woke up at 11am New Years day and decided, in my infinite wisdom, that it might be fun to take some cough medicine.

I had some DXM lying around and my girlfriend and I each took 360mg. This for me was a somewhat mild dose. I layed back down in bed with her after taking the pills and relaxed. About 1 hour later I started feeling very ill and I was really, really fucked up. My perception was really off, I had never felt this messed up this quickly on this dose before. My girlfriend was in even worse shape.

About 1.5 hours in I went to the bathroom and threw up. This is the last really good memory I have of the next 3-4 hours of the day.

The next 3-4 hours:

I can remember waking a few times from a dream like state, I realized upon coming out of this state that I hadn't actually been asleep but I wasn't really there either. This is usually something I enjoy on DXM this time though I was just feeling very out of it. My girlfriend was gone though, really really messed up. She couldn't walk very well, etc.

Anyway we were supposed to go to her parents house around 6:30p for dinner, which I either didn't know about, or had forgotten. Around 6pm they called her and at this point she was so messed up there was no way she could think about hiding it from them. Her pupils were like pennies. I had been watching my eyes since about 4pm to see if they were improving, returning to normal and they were, just very slowly.

She put off going to her parents until around 7:30p. Then she had to call them and admit she was on something, she said she had gotten high and she thought it had been laced with something, she told them I was sober. I put on a baseball cap and we left for their house. Long story short I was still pretty messed up but held it together kind of ok. I kept spacing out randomly, feeling very dissociated, etc but I put on a good act. The messed up part of this story is my girlfriend's eyes didn't return to normal until approx 48 hours since she dosed. She didn't feel sober in her mind until Sunday night 3 days later. My eyes had returned to normal by late the next day, more than 24 hours after I took the drug.
My eyes had returned to normal by late the next day, more than 24 hours after I took the drug.

Now this wasn't necessarily dangerous I suppose, but I will say this. I can only attribute the unusually lengthy effects of the intoxication to maybe a weakening of our body's abilities to remove toxins because of the previous ingestion of ecstasy. Otherwise this would've been a mild 6 hour intoxication for me. The reason I started feeling better soon I believe is related to 3 things 1) body weight 2) I vomited 3) possibly I have a slightly higher tolerance to DXM.

I must say at certain points during the recovery, when I wasn't normal I was worried that I might not fully return, my girlfriend experienced this same anxiety. One other thing I might add, as days went by, for example Friday I felt somewhat normal, I didn't realize how messed up I still was on Friday until I woke up Saturday and realized I felt much different.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30462
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 23, 2020Views: 1,262
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