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Visuals & Extended Orgasm
Yoga & Sex
Citation:   SoftScrambled. "Visuals & Extended Orgasm: An Experience with Yoga & Sex (exp30714)". Sep 19, 2006.

This was a short while after I had met my wife. We had only started having sex a few weeks before and were very much in love. Our sex was extremely passionate; she had been a virgin and was the best I'd ever had.

I had practiced yoga for sometime before, but hadn't been practicing regularly. She's extremely flexible from a history in ballet. I suggested we do yoga before we did it and she liked the idea. We relaxed and then did a set of asanas for beginers that was nonetheless demanding and very stimulating. At the end of the session we decided to attempt the pranayama exercise, translated as skull-cleaning, I can't remember how to spell the real name.

After that we made love and I can't recall how many times she came, I don't think she remembers, but she described feelings of weightlessness, numbness, tingling all over her body, and light patterns on white. I also saw patterns and felt like I was on coke and whippets, really! I had an extended orgasm that wasn't that climactic, but I felt orgasmic for most of the session anyways, so it was great. I also had dilated pupils for the next 3 hours and an insane feeling energy, like speed or coke. I was truly high on life.

I suggest yoga to anyone that wants to feel high without drugs, enhance drugs, or any other enjoyable part of life. The pranayama is what really made the difference. Sex with just yoga is really good, but I don't experience the visuals or extended orgasm without it.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 30714
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 19, 2006Views: 13,215
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