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I Was Speechless
Inhalants - Toluene
Citation:   Drugy. "I Was Speechless: An Experience with Inhalants - Toluene (exp30819)". Jun 10, 2006.

  repeated inhaled Inhalants
[Erowid Note: Our understanding of the literature is that there is no such thing as safe recreational use of volatile solvents, aerosols and other street inhalants : their psychoactive effects are inseparable from nerve and organ damage. We have chosen to include these reports to help document the real world use of inhalants, but their inclusion is not intended to imply that they are anything but dangerous.]
I have heard much about inhalants but I had never thought about trying them until the other day.

Ok here it goes it was the other day and I was really bored because I had no drugs to do and then my cousin lets call him james well anyway james asked me if I wanted to try some inhalants. I decedied that it won't hurt so we went out to my gargage and grabbed a can of spray paint and so old rags and began inhaling at first I thought I wasnt going to work then out of the blue it hit.

I felt a light rush simialar to a low level meth dose. James stared talking to me and I saw the sound come out of his mouth it was mind blowing and could not find the words to respond to james so I just stared. My body parts were making their own music and it was very wonderful this all lasted for a total of about a minute or 2.

IN conclusion this was a very unique experience.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 30819
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2006Views: 16,281
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Inhalants (29) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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