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A Hard Lesson
by Earl
Citation:   Earl. "A Hard Lesson: An Experience with DXM (exp30879)". Dec 19, 2007.

180 mg oral DXM
Before this morning I have had 3 other experiences with DXM all of which were amazing, enlightening experiences, even though they were low doses (90mg, 105mg, 165mg). Today was my birthday so I decieded to have a little fun. At 8:00 AM I went to the bathroom at school and took 180 mg of DXM. By English class which started at 8:45 I was comming up fast. I took a bite of a cookie a friend gave me and the taste was overwhelming nausiating. First time I have ever felt sick from DXM. I went to the bathroom and puked. A friend saw me and went back to english class and told everyone I was sick.

By the time I got back into the class I was having an exteamly hard time walking. Everthing was distorted. I had to lay my head down to keep from felling sick. In my head I constructed buildings over and over again to keep discomforting thoughts away. After about 45 minutes of that we had to move our desks to form a circle around the room. It was extreamly difficult. Having my eyes open made me sick again. I barely made it to the bathroom. By them time I got back I no longer felt so sick, and could keep my eyes open. The shapes on my sprite can were dancing people.

After an hour and a half of pure hell in english it was over and I got to go to lunch. My friends' presence was very comforting. I calmed down a lot and went to my freinds car to lay down the rest of the day. I listened to Sgt. Peppers and Revolver. They both sounded pretty cool. This experiece was very different from my other 3, seemed like a completely different drug. Shook me up. At least I learned not to do DXM at school or on an empty stomach.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30879
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 19, 2007Views: 21,551
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DXM (22) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), School (35)

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