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Advice for the Curious
Proteus Mind Machine & 2C-I
Citation:   lucidinthesky. "Advice for the Curious: An Experience with Proteus Mind Machine & 2C-I (exp30962)". Jul 16, 2004.

About 2 years ago I started reading about mind machines: how psychologists use them to alter consciousness, what mind states they can bring, how these states are beneficial. And about 1 year later I decided to get one.

The proteus, costing about $160, was my choice because it wasn't a toy. It was affordable and I was sure I'd get my moneys worth. Not being a psychologist, I bought this machine because I was simply curious about the technology. As soon as it arrived I started my experimentation. The device plays two tones into your ears, your brain, plays the mathematical difference. This difference is called a binaural beat. When the binaural beat is generated and sustained for a period of time, your consciousness is altered from resonating at that frequency. Throughout a couple weeks, I found the Proteus machine no more powerful for me than the Hemi-Sync cds that the Monroe Institute has made.

Despite the warnings in the Proteus's manual, I too decided to use drugs while using the machine. The two I used were 2C-I and marijuana. They didn't do much of anything to improve the machine's effectiveness. I was hoping the 2C-I and the machine would synergize and deepen my experience but my mind kept wandering, I was unable to focus, and all the machine did was produce fantastic visuals. When I awoke the morning after I had used 2C-I with the machine one of my eyes was *very* bloodshot (something that either alone has never produced).

I've since sold my Proteus and held onto my hemi-sync meta music cds. If you're curious about the technology, I highly recommend the cds over the expensive mind machines. If however, you want to change your brain, get the mind machine. I suspect these will do very little good unless they are used with consistency.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 30962
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 16, 2004Views: 15,447
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2C-I (172), Mind Machine Devices (301) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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