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Superstimulative Effects
by Josh
Citation:   Josh. "Superstimulative Effects: An Experience with Guarana (exp31024)". Feb 20, 2004.

2 lines insufflated Guarana (pill / tablet)

I am a regular cannabis user and also regularly consume caffeine.

At one point I acquired some 'energy mints', which contained among other things guarana, high-fructose corn syrup, and a red dye. These were small hard pellets, cinnamon flavored, and I would eat about 7-10 at a time with the general effect of xanthine stimulation, about a cup of not-too-strong coffee.

After a few weeks of eating these off ann on, I decided to see what if any effect could be gained from insufflation. I have never used cocaine, but have insufflated THC with the following result time and again: a substantially different feeling of onset and effect when snorted. My self-educated guess suggested that absorbtion of a substance through blood vessels in the nose allowes for a greater saturation through the blood-brain barrier. (Is THC a vasoconstrictor?)

Insufflation of Guarana:

Armed with this hypothesis, I crushed these pellets, enough to make one rail, approximately the normal dose of 7-10. I divided the one line into two and then took some deep breaths and relaxed myself. I should say I had not eaten in the previous 12 hours, and neither had any cannabis nor caffeine.

I snorted the first line and it burned like hell (as cinnamon will do), then remained tingly and slightly sweet-smelling. My nose began to run so I took the second line.

Within seconds there was a noticable effect, with the room becoming very quiet, and the feeling of bodily buzzing occured for the first ten to fifteen minutes. No tinnitus that I can recall.

The peak was about 10 minutes after finishing the second line, when I felt a stiffness, or what felt like a hand grabbing the back of my neck and head. This was very unusual.

This tense feeling was uncomfortable, and I lost track of the rest of the subtle effects I was hoping to catalogue. Finally within the first 45 minutes it had subsided, as had most of the other effects.

However, about an hour later I was driving around town when my vision became disrupted. It was as if the windshield of my vision had a stone fly into it and crack the continuity. There was a definite spot where visual acuity was distorted although I could still see perfectly well from the periphery.

This was a VERY unexpected and unpleasent occurance, as I did not know if my vision would ever return to normal. Needless to say I didn't touch those guarana pills for a few weeks after that. My normal vision returned later that day, but I am still curious as to how or what would cause this to happen.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 31024
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 20, 2004Views: 34,538
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Guarana (117) : Alone (16), General (1)

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