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Taking as Directed Still Causes Me Problems
Citation:   no evil star. "Taking as Directed Still Causes Me Problems: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp31135)". Sep 24, 2018.

2 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (daily)
    oral Pharms - Fluoxetine (daily)
As it goes I went through a period in my life where my anxiety had taken a major toll on me. I was dehabilitated from doing everyday things I.e. Grocery shopping, driving, etc. I went to a very well known and well respected Psychiatrist after being almost unable to leave the house without having racing thoughts and actual physical ailments resulting from anxiety (numb hands, disorientation, dizziness, sweats, insomnia, depression). The well trained well respected doctor in turn said what I needed was a good rest. He wrote me a script for Prozac, Ambien, and Klonopin. THIS WAS NEARLY 5 YEARS AGO!

I stopped taking the Ambien after my friends and family saw me nearly die on 2 seperate occasions (mixed with vodka, I was blue and spinning) I continue the Prozac for depression, but I still take Klonopin. I dont have health insurance and have found myself in many desperate situations, sometimes not even going to important engagements (my sisters wedding) because I was 'running low on K's'. So now years have passed, I only take brand name and this habit costs about 150 to 200 dollars a month, depending on wether or not I drink alcohol for a synergestic effect. I've lost several jobs, find it impossible to function and I'm only 23. I'm pretty lucky that I dont have to worry about money or finding Klonopin, but I am very well aware that I am an addict. And one day I may not be so lucky.

Did I mention I was hospitalized for 5 days after toxic levels of hydrocodone and dextroamphetamine were in my system? It's a sick trail, and vicous cycle, the bolts and jolts of it all, who knows where my mind will be in the following years. I'm as quoted verbatim by the doctor on call in the ER 'lucky your not dead, you have an infection surrounding your heart' I.V antibiotics and plenty of pottasium along with another script for valium and naproxen and antibiotics. All these stupid pills.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31135
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 24, 2018Views: 1,162
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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