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This Drug Brings Voices
Citation:   Cokedreams. "This Drug Brings Voices: An Experience with 2C-I (exp31439)". Aug 7, 2004.

40 mg insufflated 2C-I (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis  
Now, I like to think that I had experienced 2C-I in every way imaginable. I had done it every day (minus one day) for a week. I had hooked up a lot of friends. I tripped hardc0re many a times on it. But only two things remained to conquer: Take 40mgs, and to snort it. I figured, 'this would be my last time, lets go out with a bang!'. I know it sounds stupid, and I knew it was too, but my mindframe at the time was not exactly one that was thinking rationally, more apathetic towards life.

So, I measure out 40mgs, put it in two nicely sized dots, roll up a 100 (made from the drug), and snort one dot, then the other immediately. Within 30 seconds, my nose was in extreme pain, but nothing incapacitating. For the next 20 minutes, I pretty much held my nose and got a real nice body buzz. Then, I tasted the drip... worst taste ever to have running down the back of your throat. So, I get up for a Coke...

And that's when the wood started to move... shit started to get really heavy in my body, and I start hearing voices saying 'Hello, Cokedreams (my real name, not really Cokedreams).' So, I get in bed. I then recognize the voice of my mother talking down to me. 'So, you're a drug dealer now, huh? AND you can't even prove to someone your love for them? Probably because you're always fucked up.' I started to feel extremely bad. More voices came, and the walls were heavily moving in and out, backwards and forwards. All the people talking pretty much were just telling me how much I had fucked up in my life, and it became too much to handle. A single tear literally fell down my face.

Until all of a sudden, my roommate comes into the room. At once, all the voices stop, and I hear nothing but silence... but I thought I could still hear it. I pretend I am sleeping at first to get a grip on things... and magically, I just start talking to him. I told him I took a shitload of 2C-I, and he just told me 'cool... are you high?'. I then remembered This literally took me out of the whole negative mindset. We smoke a bowl, then I watch him play Tetris for about 30-45 minutes. He happens to be a master of it, and I literally become entangled in every move. So, after this, I notice things had definitely mellowed out, so I turn on the TV, and watch Adult Swim. Luckily, it was the sunday line-up, so I then became incredibly engrossed in the Space Ghost Episode with Shatner (talk about a perfect episode, never been so fucking confused). I eventually just lay there and put on Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works and the music becomes more beautiful and calming than anything in the world. Eventually I pass out.

Basically, my nose hurt for a hella long time, and I still remember the voices really fucking with me. And that's my story.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31439
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 7, 2004Views: 8,507
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2C-I (172) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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