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Phalaris Grass (extract)
Citation:   Man in Black. "Beware: An Experience with Phalaris Grass (extract) (exp31499)". Mar 4, 2004.

    Phalaris Grass (extract)
First I must warn the reader. This substance is not to get high on as you would on LSD or mushrooms. If you are looking for a profound religious experience you may what to experiment.

This extract was made like the 'san pedro extaction for dumbies' forgive my spelling. It is very potent and you need a sitter present. The trip however is very short, 5-10 min..

The best discription of what happens would be as if you were at groud zero at a nuclear blast. Many flashs of light as if your are dying and once I thought i actually was 25mg. Fear is a major part of the trip.

50mg this trip I can only discribe as a near death experience. I was hyperventalating not knowing it until the end of the trip. I also contacted a few entities looking like dragons or demons, but before I could speak to it the trip ended.

Once more, this should only be used for shaministic voyage.


Exp Year: 1993ExpID: 31499
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2004Views: 26,537
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Phalaris Grass (174) : Entities / Beings (37), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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