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Introducing... The Miracle Drug.=
Citation:   Phr33k. "Introducing... The Miracle Drug.=: An Experience with 2C-I (exp31733)". Oct 12, 2005.

20 mg oral 2C-I  
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
My friend had been ranting and raving about this new drug he'd encountered. He called it 2C-I AKA Thraxx. Always up for new experiences, I decided to take it after much deliberation and preparation. I took it orally around 4:15 PM, laid back, and watched TV with my friend, who was being my sitter for the night. He'd already experienced the drug, so I was pretty comfortable. We smoked some weed right after I took it (at 4:20, naturally), and I was feeling pretty good.

After about an hour and a half, I started to feel 'different.' I can't quite explain it, everything was just different. I had slipped into what I like to call the first stage of Thraxx, where I feel kinda like I'm on speed or meth. Then, all of a sudden, I was just laying down and watching TV and I began to feel very hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable. I started to panic, thinking, 'I don't think this is supposed to happen...' but my friend calmed me down and just told me to go with it. Sound advice. So I laid back, and the feeling passed in about 15 minutes. Right after the feeling passed, I went into the second stage, where it feels like I've taken ecstacy. This is when the body high of Thraxx kicks in. Everything just feels good and tingly. After about 30 to 40 minutes of that, I went into the third stage... the visuals.

2C-I plays with shadows a lot. While day tripping is by far better than night tripping, the shadows and light angles astounded me. When I stared at the ceiling and the ceiling looks like the surface of water, the shadows actually shifted with the 'waves' and made it look very real, and very cool. I was watching the TV, and across the wall and ceiling was a tree... but it was made of light. The light coming from the TV went up (which made the trunk) and branched off. I could also see the little branches and individual leaves above me. Also, there was like a conveyor belt of shadow and light images moving slowly across the ceiling. It was very, very cool. I also saw random flashes of color, and trails. Lots of trails. My friend would grab my shoulder like he was picking a piece of flesh off me, and pretend to throw it... and it just looked like a ball of color that would explode like fireworks. It was amazing.

I then ventured outside (with supervision, of course) and the one thing I remember is picking up a stick and the bark seemed to melt off. Watching anything with a lot of movement and color is very cool, but even watching the static on the TV is entertaining. I *find* colors in the static. The body high is also incredible. I smoked some pot, and then reached into my pocket for my cig's and my hand got lost in my pocket.. seriously. Everything I felt was delayed by a good second or two, so it took me a good 10 years to retrieve my cig's and lighter. The entire time tripping, I experienced something that I've never experienced with any other psychedelics. I was totally unaware of where my appendages were. It was strange. I could put my arm in any position I wanted w/o looking, and have no idea where it was. I couldn't feel it, nor have any sense of its location. The only way I knew of its location/position was if I could actually see it. Another thing with this drug, I don't care about anything. Like, me for example... I'm a chain smoker, and I never really craved a cigarette during my trip. I thought about it, and I could've taken it or left it, it really didn't matter. Same thing for pot. If we could smoke, great. If we couldn't, whatever. 2C-I made me very indifferent on situations.

One great thing about Thraxx, I was able to act straight on this drug. I was picked up by my dad while tripping, and I was able to hold a very, very sober-sounding conversation with him. I could even walk straight. My friend's room is on the third floor of his house, with narrow, winding steps to his room. I could walk up them no problem, all the while tripping my ass off. The only problem is very, very dilated pupils. I no longer had color in my eyes, it was all just black. Wasn't a problem for me and my dark brown eyes.

I found it slightly hard to fall asleep on this drug, but after about an hour of lying still with my eyes closed, I fell asleep. I woke up about 9 hours later, still feeling the body high, my mind a bit clouded, and still catching colors. Pupils were slightly dilated, but relativly normal. I went to band practice, and was able to play guitar fine and do daily tasks no problem. I came down at about 1 PM that day, a full 20 hours after I first took it. Thraxx also made me think... hardcore, deep, intellectual thinking. I learned two valuable lessons/sayings during my trips, and they're, 'The flow is (which I find very hard to explain),' and, 'Every moments leads to the next (meaning every little action/decision I make decides the next moment of my life).' If I ever have to write a college thesis in my lifetime, I'm doing it while tripping on 2C-I.

That was my first experience with Thraxx, and since then I've done it twice. I took it my second time four days after my first experience, and for about a week afterwards I would still catch colors and trails, which seems really awesome, but isn't a very good sign.. so I recommend waiting about a week in between trips. I also recommend taking it on a semi-empty stomach so it will hit faster, and trip during the day, to feel less vulnerable and more comfortable outside. Thraxx plays a lot on shadows, so tripping during the night and being outside can be very frightening. And please have someone who will stick by you at all times. My sitter was with me all night and wouldn't let me out of his sight. I felt like a little kid or a puppy at times, but it kept me safe and guaranteed a good trip.

P.S. - My friend and I were both tripping on 2C-I at a party and she had a digital sound recorder and left it on all night. It was a good three to four hours of recording, which resulted in three to four hours of solid entertainment the next day.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31733
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 12, 2005Views: 7,215
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2C-I (172) : Guides / Sitters (39), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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