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More Intense Than I Expected
H.B. Woodrose Seeds, Cannabis & Oxycodone
Citation:   Gandalf. "More Intense Than I Expected: An Experience with H.B. Woodrose Seeds, Cannabis & Oxycodone (exp31746)". Mar 11, 2004.

7 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
At about noon I took seven of the small seeds and scraped off the outside, then chewed them up one at a time and swallowed them with water. I hadn't eaten anything yet that day, but after about 15 minutes I started feeling very nauseous so I drank some ginger ale and smoked a small bowl of weed. I laid down on my bed to try to get rid of the nausea.

Now before I get into the actual trip I want to say that before doing these I was expecting a mild trip with only like a body high and maybe some CEVs. I've done mushrooms before and wasn't expecting these to be anything like them.
I was wrong.

After about 30 minutes of laying down the nausea went away, and I could start to distinguish the LSA from the weed. I closed my eyes and just let my mind wander...I had incredibly vivid CEVs that were just randomly popping into my head. They weren't strange images, just normal things like houses and trees, but the sharpness, for lack of a better word, of them was what made them cool.

After about an hour of this I decided to open my eyes and see what was going on. At this point I was VERY messed up and had no idea what was going on. I was still laying on my bed, and I was just staring at the one side of my room. I started to do this cool thing where I would focus on a point and pull it towards me. For example, I was focus at the spot where my wall and ceiling met and pull with with my mind. I went about doing this to the whole side of my room until it was completely 2 dimensional.

I got bored of that and decided to go on the computer.

I was just browsing PM and stuff, don't really remember. I played some games, but pretty much I was just enjoying how nice my body felt. My legs started hurting so I got up and walked downstairs to get a drink. I had zero motor skills and almost fell down the steps. I stumbled into the kitchen and tried to pour myself some OJ. I spilled it everywhere and nailed my teeth and lip when I tried to take a drink. I crawled back upstairs and went to the bathroom (I ended up pissing like 9 times throughout the trip for some reason). After all this moving around my legs were burning horribly and were so cramped up so I laid down again and played with my dog.

At this point I seemed to shrink and everything got very large. My dog seemed like a huge beast even though he's a 20 lb Jack Russel Terrier. I noticed that my vision was real weird. Everything was glowing, and I had some major tracers. One of my favorite parts of the trip was this thing that happened where my vision became 'low-resolution'. Imagine turning down the resolution on your comp to like 300 x 400. Thats what everything looked like...big and grainy. My vision stayed like this for the rest of the day.

I kept hearing a car pull into my driveway but everytime I got up to look there was nothing there. I looked across the street at my neighbors white garage which was like a huge white blur. There were shadows on it that looked like people, but I couldn't find out where the shadows were coming from.

At this point I had to talk to my mom on the phone. Wow did that suck. I had no idea what was going on and was slurring my words. I told her that I had been sleeping and just woke up and she bought it.

I went in the bathroom and looked at my pupils. Holy **** they were massive. I kept turning off the lights then turning them back on and watched my pupils expand and contract. After that I went in my room and snorted about 5mgs of oxycodone. This produced these awesome waves of warmth and pleasure on my body and made me so relaxed.

About 4 hours had gone by, and the most intense part of the trip was over. For the next 4 hours though I was still having weird vision, CEVs, and audio hallucinations. My dad came over for like 15 minutes and I just got into bed and made sure he didn't look at my eyes and tired to concentrate on talking right.

For the rest of the night I had low-dosage DXM-like effects. For some reason I couldn't get comfortable and my arms and legs were cramping real bad. I did some more oc and listened to music and went to bed. I had a good sleep and when I woke up I had the usual post-trip haziness. I felt very satisfied with my life and everything.

For some reason I got a horrible headache that didn't go away until about an hour ago. Overall the trip was very fun, but with some real bad side effects (cramping and nausea). I easily matched some of my shroom trips in intensity which I wasn't expecting at all.

LSA is a cool drug, but I'd rather do mushrooms or acid as soon as I get some. Worth trying once, but I probably won't do it again just because of the headache I had the next day.

SUMMARY: Trip was fun, vivid CEVs and aural hallucinations, cool vision alterations. Bad side effects such as cramping and nausea.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31746
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2004Views: 13,056
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H.B. Woodrose (26) : Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Alone (16)

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