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A Sleep Aid With Crazy Effects!
Citation:   Zaeran. "A Sleep Aid With Crazy Effects!: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp31760)". Sep 26, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  2 tablets oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  1 tablet insufflated Pharms - Zolpidem (ground / crushed)
It was the usual day for me and my friend. We chilled at my house, smoking pot and playing videogames. I then went for a 'med' search throughout my house and found one my moms medications called, 'Ambien'. I took about 6 pills and went back to my room. I told my friend, B.. that I found these pills called, 'Ambien' and on the prescription case said, 'Controlled Substance'. This usually meant that we'd get messed up.

So we popped 2 pills each and we had 2 left. We crushed them up and each snorted 1 pill each.

About 10 minutes later, I got a little lightheaded and then looked at my clock and it was about time to go to work (Worst possible place that I could have gone too, little did I know).

B said he wasen't feeling anything really, and left. I got my shoes on and got ready for work. My mom drove me there.. and on the way, the effects kicked in.

All of the sudden, everything was in double.. the streets were making crazy patterns and everybody had two heads. I was staggered by this. I kept quiet, because I didn't want my mom to know that I was on her medications or anything at all.

Then I got to work.. I was about 10 minutes late the boss told me, I laughed and went to clock in. After this, my memory must have gone black, because when I can remember again. I found myself down in the basement.. holding my hands to my head. I felt very sick, kind of drunk. The walls were moving and everybody was very deformed, 2 heads.. 2 everything!

My memory then went black again and I was in a bathroom, splashing water to my face. After this, I went to try to get back to work, but to my suprise. It had already been an hour and I didn't get any shit done at all!

By this time, my working buddy came in and then, that's when it happend. My boss stormed over and started yelling insanely. Telling me from what I remember, 'If I knew how to do my job, and if not.. to leave and stay the fuck out'. He then told me to go downstairs, I jetted down there as fast as I could go. There he told me that if I ever came in as fucked up again, he'd kill me. My memory after that then once again, went black.

I don't exactly know what happend during those memory skips. All though, I wasen't working.. that's for sure.

But, after the yell at the boss, I appearently got my act together and worked quickly and caught up.

After I got out of work, I called up B and asked what happened after he left. He told me that he also saw double of everything and saw crazy patterns in the sidewalks and roads. He never mentioned any memory black outs though.

This was the first and last time with ambien. I found that it's a very strong controlled sleep aid.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31760
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 26, 2018Views: 1,198
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Workplace (51)

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