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Mild Crazy Chemical
Citation:   Meodid. "Mild Crazy Chemical: An Experience with DPT (exp31809)". Jan 16, 2007.

25 mg insufflated DPT (powder / crystals)
It was a warm early spring day in the U.S. and fortunately I had obtained some dpt. My first attempt to use dpt, I went to a freinds house, as I had hoped to find someone to watch my son while I experimented. When I got there, there was more people there than expected. I had already developed a *quiet* anxiety about using this substance, and I definatly didn't want to be responsable for anyone else's first psychedelic experience. Yet I couldn't resist a taste, I suppose. I put about 10-15mg a on joint of cannabis, low grade and felt no very noticable affects, no one else noted any either, but I felt a very mild strange feeling, subtle as anything.

When I got home I snorted a small line, about 25mg and definatley felt something.I beleive that alot more research needs to be done on this chemical, and I plan do my share. With this small begining dose, effects began more or less as noted frequently on the net, but were very mild. Some strange thoughts, mostly senceless if anything, and some strong moments of breif 'intensity' happened. Not pleasurable, just going on along with my anticipation of my dose setting skills. 25mg I beleived was good to start. Some mild vision disturbances, nothing near extreme.

That was about one hour and 15 minutes ago(wow feels a little longer...)and the strange thought patterns are still evident. I definately will repeat, and I find myself now able to admit that from all the stories I've read, all the other experiences I heard about, all have made me nervous about this drug, about its intensity. When I imagine what it feels like to do dpt, I have this certain expectance of.. terror? Maybe not, but this trip was okay, I'll definatly be back to explore further.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31809
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 16, 2007Views: 1,571
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DPT (21) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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