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When We Smoked It, It Sizzled Like a Resin
Ketamine & Cannabis
Citation:   poppy. "When We Smoked It, It Sizzled Like a Resin: An Experience with Ketamine & Cannabis (exp31960)". Apr 16, 2018.

  smoked Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Definite trip

This past weekend I returned home from a trip to San Antonio, and decided to go party with my friend, 'Joe.' He told me when I called him that he was smoking Ketamine, and I couldn't resist. We drove to our friends house, and pulled out our wallets. Our friend had two small bottles of hospital-labelled Ketamine HCl (though I'm not sure how much each bottle held) The K was in a white powder and definitely crystalline. We bought a 20, which looked like a small amount.

We loaded a bowl of MJ, and put some Ketamine on a razor, and then poured it on top of the bowl. When we smoked it, it sizzled like a resin hit would, tasted like ass, and left a residue on top of the bowl.

After a few hits, my perception started to change. I felt a little drunk; we were in a dim, cozy room, and feelings of calming and elation washed over me. We smoked 2 more laced bowls, and I went outside to smoke a cigarette. The weather was unusually nice (mid 60s), it was sunny, etc. I felt a kind of goofy happiness that I felt on a light shroom trip.

At about +20-30 minutes, the high seemed to stabilize. I felt a strange opium-like buzz, mixed with a strange feeling I had never felt before, although very pleasant. We smoked about 3 more bowls after I went inside, and that used up most of the 20-sac. I was feeling incredible, and we continued smoking marijuana. Our friend told us that the K would last 2 hours at the most, but me and my friend were trippin all night.

I did notice that I hallucinated a little bit; rather, I was more succeptible to visual confusion:) Trees were swaying in the wind at their trunks, and my visual perception was whacked.

All in all, it was an excellent and safe experience; the only downside was disturbing nightmares that annoyed me all night; Joe mentioned the same thing hapenned to him. But no matter what, I would definitely do it again!

Peace, stay safe and support harm reduction education!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31960
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 16, 2018Views: 2,206
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Ketamine (31), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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