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A Little Goes a Long Way
Cannabis & Alcohol (beer)
Citation:   Chill. "A Little Goes a Long Way: An Experience with Cannabis & Alcohol (beer) (exp32042)". Feb 13, 2007.

6 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
If you have never been to downtdown Brussels, you should see it sometime. My favorite place is a really famous square called the grand place, it is surounded by old gothic buildings. Personally its one of my favorite places to chill even though there are a lot of people there, even at night. Anyway, the old buildings and such give the place a great atmosphere, it makes me just look around and check out the architecture and chill.

My mindset was that I was eager the whole night to smoke up, but I couldn't find anyone with bud. I finally saw an senior who graduated the year before and I knew him from a school team. The only preparations I had made for the toking was to drink 2 pints of beer and have part of a shaker. I wasn't anywhere close to drink, or even dizzy or anything, I just felt pretty chill.

So as we were smoking the joint, I probably had about 6 puffs, not a lot, but there were like 4 other people there. It was only bud, not hash. I smoked some hash the weekend before and that was pretty intense. Immediatly afterward the effects were about the same as drinkin 3 cans of coke, in other words, close to nothing.

When we were all picked up by my friends dad. I got in the very back of his mini van since I was going to spend the night at my friends house and therefore get out last. I felt fine, I didn't have to try hard and fake sober or anything like that. After a little bit, maybe 5 minutes of driving in the car, the weed hit me. I was almost blown away because the expierence was so unexpected. When I think about it now, the weed must have been on some kind of time release, or maybe the alcohol had affected the timing or something. My legs felt pretty warm, my thighs where paralyzed with a nice warm sensation.

My stomach hurt a little bit, just a tiny pit sensation, nothing compared to when I smoked the hash, but I had eaten a pita kebab about 15 minutes before smoking up. The car ride became more and more entertaining. My head wasnt immovable, but I couldn't move, it could only move when the car turned. On really sharp turns I felt the car was tipping over and driving on the two side wheels, or even that I was in a plane or flying saucer and I was doing a barrel roll.

The most recognizable part of the weed was that it made my body feel like it was glued still, and even if I tried I couldn't really move it, but if I did move my head or whatever, it felt amazing. During one part of the ride, I experienced something new. I had a throbbing sensation in my head, but not a hurting one, one that throbbed of gluey warmth. There were three points of these throbs originated from in my head. One above my right eye, one on my left temple and the third on the left side
of the back of my head. The only thing I could think of as describing it was the word triforce.

Anyway, the triforce thing was not too intense, it was just new to me so thats why I was so interested in it. Later on I started thinking about what the fourth dimension was like and what would happen if a fourth dimensional matter came into the third dimension. Something must have triggered a memory involving the book flatland, so thats where it must have come from.

When we dropped off the first guy, he was fine. When we dropped off the second, he must have been tripped up cuz he couldn't find where to open the door. I laughed to myself when this happened. When I came to my friends house where I was sleeping over, we took off our shoes and went upstairs and such, all was fine, I still felt cool.

We went upstairs to his room and listened to some metal music, and for some reason my friend opened up to me like he had never done so before. I mean it was just like he started talking about everything. I don't know what made him talk like this now, since he wasn't stoned, or even drunk, maybe a little tipsy, if at all. It all gave me one of the warmest feelings inside I've felt in a while. He discussed some metal songs and I found out he actually liked some ballads, and I mean I guess they spoke to him in a way or something. I always thought that he didn't like anything that approached the sound of a soft song.

The whole night was pretty chilled out, and relaxing. Definately one of my favorite expeirences, even though the trip itself wasn't anything special. I am still amazed at how much of a difference a little bit of weed can make to a night out.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32042
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2007Views: 19,517
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