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Into the Tide
Citation:   Agentabc. "Into the Tide: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp32193)". Mar 10, 2008.

10 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I took out how much I was going to need for my trip, and lined out on the table. I then rolled up a dollar bill and sent half of it up one nostril and the other half up the other.

I then went downstairs, got a drink and as i was pouring, i could feel the effects begin. I normally get this odd 'pressure' like feeling in my face after I insufflate 5-MeO. It's rather plesant, sometimes there is a burning feeling sometimes theres not. This time, there really wasn't one present.

I put on some chilled out electronica music and layed down on my bed. I tried closing my eyes but they wouldn't stay closed. I then placed a blanket over my eyes to keep out light. This was the first time I've ever done it with MeO, and this was by far the best time.

About 5 minutes into it, scattered patterns began to race across my field of vision. I'm sure if my eyes were opened or closed. I was riding the effects all the way, not fighting any of it, just going along with what the drug wanted to show me.

For the next 30 to 35 minutes, I layed there. The patterns faded away, and then I began to drift across the universe. I was able to watch myself fly all over the place, and it was so amazing. It felt as if I was only 1 step away from something so big, but I just couldn't reach it. My entire being drifted away from my body and went some where else. It felt like the only thing keeping me attached to my body was the fact that I was breathing. Breathing was the only thing I could feel at the time too. Everything else, all my sense and feelings were some where else with me.

I'm positive that my mind and soul went somewhere else cause of the drug. The only thing left on earth was my body, and it might have been what was holding me back. It's tough to say where I went, I was to captivative by how far gone I was on this trip I really couldn't analyze where I was. Maybe next time.

I believe the trick with 5-meo for me is to be totally relax, in a dark area with something over my eyes, I find it more easier to flow with the drug. This was definitly the best exprince thus far with meo.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32193
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2008Views: 5,062
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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