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Ritalin Experiments
Citation:   pinkwarrior. "Ritalin Experiments: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp3224)". Dec 23, 2001.

  insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (pill / tablet)
It all started off as a rumour that you could get a buzz snorting ritalin. All school year, I tried to get some, but I wasnt trying hard. Finally, on the second to last day of school, someone asked me to borrow 50 cents, he said he would give me all of his prescription ritalin. SO, I agreed.

The next day, The person told me that he needed his parents signature to get his medication. I thought 'Oh, Im screwed,' but, no, I forged a fake letter and forged a signature. At the end of the day, I got the ritalin, and brought them home.

First Experiment:
40 mg.

I had to blow my nose alot, I did not know what to expect.

A little bit of drowsiness, some noticeable changes in perspective, not too much.

Experiment #2:
50 mg.

Tried to up the dose.

A little bit of speediness (im stoned now and it's kind of hard to remember it all). Possibly some euphoria.

Experiemnt #3:
60 mg.

This became the common dose for me from now on. Euphoria, speediness, intense thought patterns. Lovely.

Experiment #4:
60 mg.

Same as above

Experiment #7
(5 and 6 were 60 mg and were the same as above)
70 mg.

I wasnt planning on doing anything for an hour, was home alone, but my dad got home early, he made me go to town with him. I experienced no euphoria, just a little bit of speed and much anger.

Experiment #8
90 mg

I took 70 mg, and I didnt get the euphoria I wanted, so I took 10 more and got a little bit, then took 10 more and nothing much happened. But when I tried to sleep, I noticed it, I ended up staying awake all nite.

Experiment #9
60 mg

I had ran out of ritalin and it had been 3 good months since I had used.

Euphora, speediness, I had to talk to myself no matter what, I was a rambling maniac. This lasted for about 1 to 1 and a half hours.

Experiment #14
150 mg alltogether

At a friends house, introducing them to Ritalin. Snorted 65 mg at first, after that wore off, i took 50 more or so. Made me speedy again. Then I took 35 more later to get more speedy, then 10 more. Stayed up all nite and had fun.

I have did Ritalin more times than this, but I have quit now because I cant get it anymore and I have had enough of being a rambling idiot like Ritalin makes you.

During the 3 month break between doing Ritalin, I fiended for it real bad. Although I had fun I found it addicting.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3224
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 23, 2001Views: 40,604
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Alone (16), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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