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Like Nothing Else. Ever.
by Soma
Citation:   Soma. "Like Nothing Else. Ever.: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT (exp32304)". Sep 27, 2004.

  smoked 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
I had NO idea what to expect from 5MEO the first time I tried it. A friend and I had come upon a great quantity, and I was elected first to try it. We sat in my car, in the driveway, in the dark. We decided to use a bubbler (with water in it) for smoking. We ended up sprinkling the crystals on a smokable herb, though I forget the name at the moment. We figured putting it on weed would be much to harsh for our lungs, and we only wanted to feel the effects of the 5-MeO-DMT.

He sprinkled a quantity on the herb, and handed me the pipe. I asked him all of those reasurring questions about 'so, how long does this last?', 'what should I feel?' etc. etc. After short hesitation, I hit it. We figured the best way to get the most out of our smoking method, was to burn the bowl very long and slow, to try to get all the crystals to vaporize. We figured that we could always take a couple hits. (Boy, were we wrong about that).

I blew out all the air in my lungs, and proceeded to take a very slow and very deep hit. 3/4 into the full hit, I felt the insane grip of something I had never felt before. I stopped, and looked at him, and handed him the pipe as I exhaled. He didn't understand why I was stopping, and urged another hit. Little did he know, he would soon realize what was going on. A feeling that I can only describe as a 'grip' came over me. I was being surrounded and held by an invisible force, and I could feel it overtaking my whole body. I was completely silent, just staring. He looked at me, and said, 'is it cool?' 'are YOU cool?' I just nodded, and he took that as a sign to imerse himself in this void of the mind. He took a generous hit. As he exhaled, he looked at me and said, 'oh my god, what have I done.' I was already in the throes of the experience, and didn't expect many changes from what I was feeling. I assured him it was okay.

We were both speechless. All we could say was 'oh my fu*king god...' We got out of the car and stumbled to his front lawn. We realized we were aware enough to talk, and notice what was going on around us. There were no visuals at all, besides the strange 'mental vision' I had. I seemed to be staring into nothing, but everything was still there. The body high was INSANE. The only thing I can compare it too, which is very strange that it resembles it so strongly to me, is Nitrous Oxide. I get the same feelings from 5MEO that I do from nitrous. There is the same 'wah-wah' in my ears, and that tingly body feeling is present also. The only difference is that 5-MeO-DMT is about a BILLION times more intense.

After that first time, I have experienced the insanity of 5MEO numerous times. One time, we gave some to our friend, who had shared many drug experiences with us, and could, 'handle his drugs.' 5-MeO-DMT put him over the top. He completely thought he was dying, and lost all rational thought. At one point, he made it to the lawn, fell on the ground, talking about himself dying, and them threw up everywhere, and rolled in it. I had smoked 5-MeO-DMT also, as did my other friend. Watching this horrible experience while being in my own world was very surreal. I understood that he shouldn't be rolling in puke, and that he needed someone to calm him down. I did my best, but to no avail. He finally came around. A few days later, he tried it again, and we figured there would be NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER because he knew what to expect. Well, the same thing happened again. I won't elaborate.

My final time with DMT was one of the most insane and surreal events in my life. My sitter was my friend from the first time. We were in his bathroom connecting to his backyard. The plan was for me to hit the pipe, and then stumble outside immediately afterward, to lie on the grass. He apparently loaded that bowl with around 40 milligrams of 5-MeO-DMT. This is a very rough estimate. Over the whole bowl of smokable herb was a layer of DMT crystals. I prepared myself for the same experience as before, and took a huge hit from the pipe. Halfway thru, and the smell of the gaseous crystals wafting into my lungs and nose, I was done for. The impact was so insane, I thought my brain was going to explode. I felt some very strange 'popping' feelings in my brain/head/ears? And I was somewhat worried. I lay down on the floor, as he urged me to go outside. That wasn't going to happen.

The only thing crossing my mind was that if I stay like this for the rest of my life, I will have to kill myself. He was a little freaked out, and inquired about my state. All I could do was repeat, 'it's cool man. I'm cool.' I said it over and over, to put him at ease, but mostly to reassure myself, that I would get thru this. I knew it was just a drug, and I knew what to expect, and that it would pass shortly. I didn't panic at all, but WOW. It was such an earth shattering experience, and I don't regret it at all.

To have put myself in such a state of complete loss of control, was a very awakening experience. I felt that I had gone to an 'edge' of sorts, and came back. This was the last experience I ever had with 5-MeO-DMT, but not by choice. If I was to acquire some right now, I would definitely do it again. Even this experience was so insane, I do not consider a negative one at all. I was actually quite proud of myself, to be able to keep cool and not panic. It's great to know that I will be okay, when I experience a total loss of control physically and mentally.

As a 'bonus' of sorts, my sitter (who actually got a bit more freaked out than myself) had his camera with him. After me telling him it was okay, he took pictures of me, having the most intense and unknowing experience of my life. To have a visual document of myself, while I was not 'there' is a great thing to be able to look back on. He ended up giving me an 8x10 black and white picture of myself. I'm getting chills right now thinking about it. The picture can only be described of as 'death'. I look totally lost. My expression and my eyes are empty. To remember how I felt at that moment is crazy to me.

5MEO is the most intense experience I have ever had. I agree with something I read earlier that said, 'if you think you can handle your drugs, and you think this drug is for you, then it's not'. Take this drug with a pure mind, and be very comfortable and in a good place. Don't worry about anything, and remember that it all will pass. The most important thing we have come up with as advice is:

Don't fight it. No matter what, don't fight the feeling, and the grip that will completely overtake you. If you fight it, you will most definitely lose, and possibly make the experience a trip to hell. Accept it, and enjoy it if you can. It will pass quickly, so don't take it for granted.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 32304
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2004Views: 15,784
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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