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How Long Is This Ride?
by Bt
Citation:   Bt. "How Long Is This Ride?: An Experience with Cannabis (exp32447)". Mar 5, 2021.

.5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  .5 joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I had smoked pot before this but I had never gotten high before. My friend Rob suggested that I come over to his house (he is pretty well versed on the issue and has shown many people their first experieces with cannibis) So I got through with work at about 9pm and went over to Rob's. Like I said I had smoked before but never really gotten high so I wasn't too sure what to expect. Rob greeted me at the door and suggested that we roll a joint. I asked him if we should smoke a small bowl before hand to start the night off right. He agreed and we went out back of his house to a picnic table in his yard. We smoked down that bowl and I thought perhaps I might be feeling the effects but it later turned out I was wrong.

So we went back inside and started to roll the joint. This was a pretty fat joint, we had pushed most of it down with a pencil andthen pushed more in this way. So anyways we go back out to the picnic table and start puffing this joint. I'm kinda staring down at the table and Rob is sitting across from me. After about 2/3 of the joint Rob says, 'Uh dude let me know if you get too stoned' (Later I found out the reason he asked was because he himself was too stoned) I look up at him as he says this and it was right there I realized I was STONED. My face muscles tightened up, my arms seemed to be filled with helium as the floated up into the air, as I looked towards the city, the glow of the lights was coming through the trees and seemed to be pulsing. I felt as if I was lost in a jungle and told Rob I think we should go in. As I got up from the table the whole ground seemed to sway. I was freaking out and told Rob that maybe we should just stay out here.

He told me that if I was freaking out then a change of scenery would be good. We went inside and ate the soup I had brought from work. It was the best soup I had ever eaten. Next we go sit on these big leather couches. I can't bring myself to sink fully into the couches because I honestly thought that if I allowed myself to sit, I would be stuck there forever thinking of absolutely nothing. Slowly, cautiously I slid into the couch and started to really enjoy the trip. I was unclear as to how long I was going to be high for and since my concept of time was distorted I didn't think I'd be back to normal for days. It got late and we went up to Rob's room where I crashed out onto his futon and fell instantly asleep.

I awoke the next morning and felt like everything was back to normal. I stumbled out of Rob's house and thanked him for finally convincing me to share this experience with him.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 32447
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2021Views: 689
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Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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