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Phalaris Grass
by Rye
Citation:   Rye. "Pleasureable: An Experience with Phalaris Grass (exp32762)". Nov 27, 2017.

  oral Phalaris Grass (tea)
Upon hearing that the grass that grows in the corner of my backyard would make me 'trip' (a lecture from Mom when she caught me chewing a stalk), I decided to do some research. I found that it was called 'Canary reed grass' and that it contained several tryptamines, mainly DMT. After reading the phalaris faq, I decided to experiment. The results are as follows:

Approximately 7 grams of freshly sprouted 'canary grass' ranging in height from 3-7 inches collected. The plant material was boiled in a concoction of 2/3 water and 1/3 lemon juice for about an hour.

T+0:00- the brew was drank quickly. Doesnt taste bad at all, very sweet.

T+0:30- beginning to feel 'something'.

T+1:00- definately feeling the effects. I have an uncontrollable urge to smile:). Reminds me of mushrooms, but surprisingly, its even more pleasent.

T+1:30- Feeling very good. My thoughts are calm, clear and collected. Experiencing minor visuals, the same type I would get from a low dose of mushrooms. In fact, it reminds me so much of mushrooms I think I'll never have to buy them again. And the sweet tea sure beats eating something that tastes like it was grown on crap.

T+2:30- Not much to update on. I'm beginning to think its wearing off. I'm also getting sort of sleepy. All in all, this experience was very positive and will definately be repeated. I was very suprised at how pleasent and relaxing the effects were.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32762
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 27, 2017Views: 2,734
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