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The Arrow of Truth
Citation:   turtle. "The Arrow of Truth: An Experience with Datura (exp32793)". Apr 22, 2004.

1 Tbsp   Datura
My thought about experiences with this wonderful and unpredictable plant. If you can handle your spirit traveling from your physical self and experiencing the world from the spiritual plane and the sub-concious interior of the psyche similtaneously. The disorientation experienced by most aspiring psychonaughts (those that explore inner space) is from not being properly prepared, one must first be able to shed the physical self in a state of meditation (control of self = control of trip) any bad trip is directly related to the mental state of the individual prior to ingestion. Negativity, anger self-doubt any negative emotion will be amplifiied by the sheer intensity of the experience, once I have mastered control of self, any ingestion of shamanistic substances will be much more pleasant.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 32793
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 22, 2004Views: 5,717
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Datura (15) : Personal Preparation (45), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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