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Experimental Dosing
Citation:   Molish. "Experimental Dosing: An Experience with 2C-B (exp32811)". Apr 6, 2006.

  oral 2C-B
I recently took 2C-B and was really unsure of how it would effect me. After 2 trips, I have learned some ways of making everything go more smoothly.

In both instances I was in a comfortable, homelike situation. The first dose I took was 10mg (I was told, I didn't measure it myself) and I did not eat for a few hours before dosing. I was smoking pot before dosing, and did not notice additional drug effects for 90 minutes, I thought the drug was bunk, so I ate a little but I felt queasy almost immediately. I chilled out for a few minutes, then felt fine. At that point I had an anxious, excited feeling, and within another 30 minutes I had reached the peak. It was a different trip, I wanted to curl up and watch things. I did, and had suprisingly vivid visuals. After 3-4 hours, the visuals decreased, but I couldn't sleep, even with the aid of sleeping pills for the next 4 hours.

A few weeks later, I dosed again with 20mg this time. I had not taken the precaution of not eating this time. Everything began as before, but as the visuals started, so did an overwhelming sickness. I threw up a couple of times over the next 30 minutes. After that I was floored, literally, by the visuals. I curled up again, only this time the visuals were completely out of my control. I had trouble doing anything with my hands (I think it was a mental thing). I couldn't stare into a trippy poster, I just laid back and let my whole world turn into color. After I gained control of my hands, I did hits of N2O from a balloon. The effects were amazing. Intense and beautiful. I saw music in colors, and had an amazing body buzz. 4-6 hours after dosing, the effects of the N2O were lessening, and I was exhausted. I was able to fall into a fitful sleep about 8 hours after dosing, but I felt like crap all the next day.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32811
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 6, 2006Views: 8,273
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2C-B (52) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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