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Mix Between Tobacco and Pot Shake
Citation:   Gonzoman. "Mix Between Tobacco and Pot Shake: An Experience with Damiana (exp32938)". Nov 30, 2007.

1 cig. smoked Damiana (plant material)
I purchased some Damiana Herb from the spirit shop across the street and it was very cheap. The smoke was very very smooth. The leftover smell much like smoking a shake joint. And the feel is both relaxing and a little mouth watering, but I don't smoke cigarettes normally.

In comparison to pot, its not a replacement, but still a very mellow smoke lots of us are looking for. Price and availability are a plus as well. Overall, I would smoke this again mixed with another relaxant herb maybe like passion flower. And I think some pot mixed in would work really well.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32938
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 30, 2007Views: 17,390
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