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Citation:   4-FMP. "Mellow: An Experience with 4-Fluoroamphetamine (exp33005)". Apr 23, 2004.

  repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  125 mg oral 4-Fluoroamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I was alone in the basement in northern Scandinavia. It was mid-winter and I was coming to terms with being single again. Fairly lonely, I suppose, but not miserable and just bored for something to do. The nearest neighbour was half a mile down the road, the snow was almost 3 feet deep and the sky crystal clear with sparkling stars though snow forecast. As always, I took a few notes and write down what I had taken (just in case).

After a several glasses of red wine, I decided to take the stuff (orally). It was from a good supplier and had a not unpleasant lemony-chemical taste that dissolved easily on the tongue. It was just after 7:00 PM.

I could detect something within 10 minutes but it took 1 hour for the full effects to come on. Very alert and happy with mild grinding of teeth. With more red wine, a very pleasant euphoria developed and I chatted online for hours. I never felt as edgy as with speed and it felt almost like mild MDMA. It started snowing slightly in bone dry air, and I spent hours watching the beautiful flakes land and then evaporate.

I didn't feel at all sleepy or washed out, as I do after speed or E and carried on all night. Went to get my hair cut the next afternoon and felt very positive and fine - was chatting with everyone, didn't seem to look odd in the mirror. Next evening, early night and slept like a log. No comedown the next day, even felt better than normal.


Seems milder and longer lasting than speed. I got no unpleasant come-down afterwards. Will certainly try again, if I get the chance. I didn't have my blood pressure meter with me, but didn't seem to go particularly high.


Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33005
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 23, 2004Views: 27,108
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4-Fluoroamphetamine (276) : General (1), Alone (16)

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